Ch. 15

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~Lauren's P.O.V~
The morning sun found me as I stuffed my face back into my pillow. I was super exhausted from last nights show and not having much sleep the night before. I just wanna lay here and not move because quite frankly this is a really comfortable position, I'm all wrapped in the blankets and it's really warm and cozy. Keeping my eyes closed I noticed that a very special someone wasn't by my side. I lifted my head off of the pillow and scanned my bunk, nope definitely not here. I picked up my phone and clicked on the power button. The time read 7:04am, I hopped out of my bunk and went towards the front. I met my gaze to a very passed out Camila. She was laying there on the floor with her hair half way out of a bun and only one sock on, she had on her costume from last night and I laughed in my head as I thought about what could have possibly happened to make her pass out like this. I tip toed over to Camz and lifted her up off the hard wood floor. Carrying her bridal style I lifted her up higher and tucked her into my bunk. I climbed in and took off her shirt and pants, yes this was very intimidating to look at but I just took one of my oversized sweatshirts and threw it on her along with some pj pants. She began to stir and open her eyes just as I got settled. "Lolo?" She said is the most adorable morning voice. "Go back to sleep baby it's still early." I yawned and she cuddled into my side falling back asleep. I was up now so I decided I would just go on my phone. I opened it up and went into my camera. I took a picture of Camzzi hiding her face in my neck with her hand falling across my waist. I exited that and went on twitter to post our selfie.
~"Baby Camzzi had a rough night, p.s next time don't fall asleep on the floor."~ I tagged the photo and waited as I saw all the camren tweets poor in. I laughed at a couple and laid my head down. I started playing with Camila's hair messageing her head softly. I kissed at the peak of her forehead and waited for her to eventually wake up.
"Dinah seriously, you let her eat all that chocolate and have a 'dance party' by herself." I said trying to act as if I wasn't amused. "Yeah, we came in and the poor girl was passed out on the floor. It wasn't my idea to leave her there but you were already asleep and I was too tired to pick her up." I broke out into laughter but quickly stopped as the one and only came walking in with her banana slippers. She looked sad and I was about to hug her when she climbed up next to Dinah. Wow cause I'm totally not the one you should want to be with. "Dinah I have a headache." "It's okay come lay with Dmac." She crawled over and laid on one of the couches as I just stared open mouthed. They were snuggling and I couldn't help but get a little jealous even though I know it's just Dinah. "Wow. Thanks for totally ignoring me seeing as I'm the only one who cared enough to actually pick you up so you would be in a bed and not have to sleep on the floor" She turned her head and looked at me, we just stared until she giggled. "I'm sorry Lolo and thanks for picking me up but sometimes you just need a little bit of Dinah cuddles." I tried not to pay attention to how cute she was with her 5 year old voice she only used when she didn't feel good and make myself look mad. "Whatever next time I'll put you in Dinah's bunk and you can cuddle with her all you want." I said as I turned around and walked back to my bunk. I wanted to see what she would do and before I knew it she was at my side climbing in. She got in and sat up with her legs wrapped around my waist and intertwined our hands. "Am I sensing jealousy Jauregui?" I tried to keep the straightest face possible. "No I don't want you on top of me go back to Dinah." I said as I looked down. " don't? Are you sure." She said as her hands started making their way up my loose shirt. I flinched as I felt her cold fingertips on my stomach and flexed. "N-no I dont." She knew exactly what she was doing to me and I hated that she was in control right now. "What if I did this then will you want me on top of you?" She breathed as she lowered her head onto my neck leaving wet kisses trailing down to my collar bone and I knew I was gonna give in soon. "I still d-dont." I was breathing heavily now. "Oh really?" She raise her eyebrow and smirked which just turned me on even more. She lifted my arms and held them down next to me over my head. As she was still kissing my neck I might've let a moan slip out of my mouth. I tried my best not to let Camila hear it but she did the second it left my mouth. Seeing as a sign she started dragging her hands down from my arms all the way to my sides and down to my thighs. I couldn't help it anymore and I did my best to flip us over. "Fine. You win but now seeing as you've teased me more than once I will return the favor before you cans do it once again." She was still shocked at the sudden turn of events as I sprawled out on top of her just like she was on me. I rested my hands on her neck and let my lips touch her dragging out her bottom lip just enough and then pulling it back in. I made my way to her jawline and down to her neck not just leaving wet kisses but biting down and making sure I would leave a mark. I took my hands and rubbed them down just around the outside of her chest all the way down to her hips. When I heard her moan my name it set me off and I very slowly started grinding my hips against hers. I trailed my nibbles down underneath her chin and made my way to the other side of her neck. When I knew she was about to lose it I lifted myself off of her and climbed out of the bunk. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui get your ass back in this bunk." I laughed and said "Ohh feisty Cabello. I like her she's sexy but I think I'm gonna go make some breakfast, do you want any?" She looked me with a straight face and I couldn't help but have a wide smile plastered on my face thinking about how the state I just left her in. "I would've liked to have breakfast but it decided to leave me so just for that I'm going to go back to my cuddle session with Dinah which I should've never left because you Lauren Michelle play dirty." My eyes widened as she got out of my bunk and made her way right back over to Dinah. Purposely shaking her ass knowing I would stare as she walked away. My mouth still in an 'O' shape I made my way over and saw Normani now present. I used this to my advantage and sat on her lap as Camila watched intently. "Why are you sitting on me Lo?" "I don't know sometimes everyone needs a little bit of Mani cuddles." I said smirking at Camila as Dinah just laughed catching on to what I was doing. "Oh well yeah I know my cuddles are pretty fabulous." I rested my head on her shoulder and she started rubbing my back in a friendly way but I knew it was driving Camz crazy. "So um gonna tell us how you got that big ass hickey on your neck?" Dinah laughed and Camila sprung up running into the bathroom. "Lauren Jauregui what the hell did you do." I got up off Normani and made my way by the bathroom door and laughed as she was looking at it in the mirror. "I don't know I got hungry. By the way you taste great." I left and made my way back to Normani on the couch. They were both laughing as they watched Camila keep touching and looking at it. She pouted and made her way over to me climbing in my lap. "I'm sorry Chancho but she got chu hella whipped." God bless the grammar that comes out of that girls mouth.

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