Ch. 1

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~Camila's P.O.V~
I laid in bed deciding on wether I wanted to wear my banana socks or my pineapple socks. To you this may seem ridiculous but this is a crisis I go through before every show. After a wile of contemplating I chose the banana ones. I hopped out of my bunk and made my way to the kitchen part of the tour bus. We are currently on "The Neon Lights Tour". I never thought in a million years I would be touring with Demi freaking Lovato. This whole new world is being shown to me right before my eyes. I get to do what I love beside 4 other amazing girls. Ally, who I look up to so much is the little fire ball of positivity and Jesus lover of the group. Normani, is the fierce one, she is always there for you and is an amazing friend. Dinah(a.k.a mini Beyoncé), is the one who's always got your back, she is a prank lover and always cracks hilarious jokes. Lastly, Lauren who is my favorite(but I don't tell this to the other girls) is the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She has the most amazing green eyes and is incredibly beautiful, her personality is fun and outgoing but she can also be very quiet at times. My favorite thing about Lo is her mind. She is so intelligent and sees things in a different perspective than most. She's been there for me when I needed her and vice versa. We're all there for eachother. I couldn't ask for better friends to enjoy the roller coaster in which I call my career with. Once everyone was ready we made our way to meet&greet. This is my favorite part of every show because I get to see all of the wonderful faces of my harmonizers. They've been with us through thick and thin and I will always appreciate them. I walked out of the bus to find Lauren and Dinah waiting for us. "Yo yo D swizzle, Lo swizzle" I said in my best thug impression. "Hey chancho, are they almost ready?" I nodded and looked over at Lauren who gave me a weak smile, I didn't want to ask what was wrong but I knew she was in one of her moods. We walked out towards the fans and already heard them screaming. Once we opened the door I saw at least 200 faces standing in a big line. I waved as they screamed all of our names. We got settled and waited or the line to start moving. The first girl came in and ran straight to Lauren. They hugged and it was the cutest thing. I wasn't really paying attention but next thing I knew we were posing for the picture.
After we were done we made our way to the stage to perform.
The show was amazing as always but something was off with Lo. She wasn't her fun jumpy self. When we got to the bus she went straight to her bunk and didn't say a thing. After I changed I made my way over to her. I pulled open the curtain to see her with headphones in. I could hear the almost in inaudible sound coming from them but I knew exactly what song it was. "Hey Lo...are you okay?" I said quietly as I pulled one plug out of her ear. "I'm fine Camz just go to sleep." "You're not fine so please don't lie to me." she didn't answer for a while and turned to face me. "How the hell do you know what I'm feeling? Your not in my head!" I got startled by the way she was talking to me. She never yells at me so this is all new territory. " 1. Don't talk to me like that I'm just trying to be a good friend, and 2. I know when something is wrong. I know that when your mad you give everyone a death stare so we don't bother you and I know that when you're sad you listen to "Believe In Me" by Demi on repeat." I said my voice getting lower and lower. "Camila go away." I shuttered at the use of my full name, but I was done trying to be her friend when she was like this. "Whatever Lauren." I closed her curtain and walked across to my bed. She gets me so frustrated. I plugged my phone in and started to close my eyes. After about 10 minutes I still couldn't fall asleep. That's when I heard my curtain open and felt a warm body slip under my covers. I obviously knew it was Lauren. "I'm sorry Camz" I heard and wrapped my arm over her small waist. "What's going on Lo, why are you upset?" She looked up with tear filled eyes. I wiped them with the pad of my thumb and repeated my question. "Lo talk to me." She worriedly looked down and began. "I was...I started reading stuff on twitter about me. So many people were just attacking me and saying such mean things. I know I'm not beautiful or skinny or whate-" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "First of all you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, you're also not fat at all. You have the most perfect body. Just because you have curves doesn't make you fat. You are so beautiful so don't listen to what those people are saying. They are just jealous and wished they looked like you. If you had to trust me on one thing I want it to be this. You know I've never lied to you." As I kept on with what I was saying I was getting more and more aggervated. How in the hell could someone not look at her and instantly fall in love. I mean...other people...not me. I love Lauren but not like that. "Do you really think so?" Her lips were trembling and her eyes were filled with so much hurt. I hated seeing her like this because it just made me feel like shit. "Babe, I know so." She didn't respond she just snuggled up to my chest and started playing with the hem of my shirt. She looked back up at me and said "Can I stay here with you?" "Of course Lo." I kissed the top of her head softly and she let it fall back on my chest.
A little while later my eyes started closing and I let myself drift into a well needed sleep...

Okay so that was the beginning of this story. This is my first Camren fan-fic so bear with me. I am planning in making this a really long story so I hope you enjoy it!! -S

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