Ch. 19

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~Camila's P.O.V~
Laying down with all the girls on our off day had me thinking. What are we gonna do about this? I mean we as in Lauren and I and this as in our relationship. What will the fans think? I mean I know they have the whole camren thing but still. "Hey guys." They all looked up and Ally paused the movie we were watching. "What's up babe?" Lauren said giving a concerned look. "I'm just..what are we gonna do about us? Like about the fans." I was gonna continue but Dinah spoke up. "Well I mean most of the fans think you guys are together already. Obviously you guys can't just come out and say you're together but what we can do is drop hints until we get an okay from Manegment." God this is to much. "Guys I'm not ready. I don't, we can't do this." I began freaking out and getting short of breath as I thought about all the bad possibilities us coming out could do. I mean we're not far into our career, anything could go wrong and that's it. Its over. "Baby calm down it's okay Camz, hey look at me." I turned and once her green eyes met mine everything stopped and I wasn't freaking out anymore. The color seemed to calm me. "We don't have to do anything Camz, at least not yet. We still have to talk to management but we don't even have to talk to them if you don't want to. This is all your choice." My heart rate slowed and I thought about what would be the right decision. "Okay. I don't know if I'm ready to come out, this is all happening really fast and I just want to slow down." We all hugged and Lauren told me that she thought it was a good idea to slow down too. "Okay so about what you said earlier Dinah, what do you mean by drop hints?" She had this smirk on her face that told me everything I needed to know. "Well ladies. Dinah Jane has a plan." Oh no, seriously not this again. Last time Dinah had a plan it ended so bad that we ended with ketchup all over ourselves. Don't ask. "I swear if it has anything to do with ketchup Dinah I'm backing out now!" Ally said obviously reading my mind. "No I promise. So what we or you guys are gonna do is every once in a while you're gonna drop hints. Like remember the whole unicorn dragon shit." Wait she knew about that? "How do you know about that?" "Little young on Dinah Jane knows everything, and Lauren told me." Oh well I mean I guess she would cause Dj was the first one to know about her feelings toward me. Which are the best feelings ever, I say to myself as I kiss Lauren's cheek. "Okay that won't be hard. I saw a tumblr post on my wall that could easily link to Camila." I looked at Lauren expectantly, basically asking her what it was about. "It said. 'Sometimes you meet someone and even though you never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are your new favorite color.' hence me hinting at her eyes." I rest my head down into my chest because I can already feel that my face is on fire and I can't wipe this stupid grin off my face. She just makes me so happy. "You don't have to hide your blush babe it's cute." Well thanks you saying that doesn't help asshole, I tell myself. I lifted my head and saw Dinah laughing at me with Normani. "Okay so I'm in. I'll do it." I say and look at Lauren confirming my answer. "Me too." "Okay good, well Lauren go post that picture and Camila I don't know go eat some Nutella or something." I hate her sometimes. "We got more Nutella!?" They all laugh at me as I run to fridge and try to find the Nutella. I hope this plan goes well, I'm actually pretty nervous. The harmonizes are like freaking sherlocks, they have to figure it out eventually.

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