Ch. 12

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~Camila's P.O.V~
It was about 3am when I woke up to Lauren shaking beside me. She had tears running down her face but it must be a dream because her eyes are closed. I lifted myself and picked her up holding her. "Lolo wake up! Baby please! Lauren wake up!" She jolted up and tried to run out of the bunk but I held onto her closer before she could get away. "Lolo its me it's Camz it's okay!" "Camz?" The fear in the green eyes girls voice scared me more than the fact that she just freaked out. "Yeah baby it's me Camz you're safe it's okay." She latched onto me like her life depended on it and I had no problem reciprocating. She finally calmed down after about ten minutes and I just laid there with my arms tightly wrapped around her body. "Do you wanna tell me what your dream was about?" She still had her head down not looking at me at all. "I had a dream that you hated me, the fans hated me, there were headline magazine stories about how I should be kicked out of the band. I didn't even care much about that it was mostly the you hating me part. You yelled and called me things and you said that we were never friends and that I was just an ugly, fat waste of your time and it was just terrible." 1. I could never hate her, I love her way too much. "Lolo, baby look at me." I waited for her eye contact and gulped as I saw the puffy eyes had been crying. "You are so beautiful to me. There is no way that I could ever hate you. You have no idea how much I love you. You may not see it but you're so special, I'm so happy that I could be living my dreams with you by my side. I love everything about you, your face is just a bonus. I love your hair, I love your eyes and your cheeks, I love your lips. God those lips." I said as I kissed her with the most passion possible. "I love your nose and your arms, I love your stomach and your thighs and I Lauren Michelle Jauregui love you. So much more than I thought was physically possible. I love you in the mornings with no make up. Which I will not lie are my absolute favorite. I love you in the afternoons when you're all sweaty at practice and I love you at night when all that hard work at practice pays off at our shows. I love your smile and how you would never intentionally hurt anyone. Or how you are so sweet and never judge others before you take time to get to know them. You are worth so much and you deserve the best and nobody especially not me or the fans would ever hate you. Okay beautiful?" We never broke eye contact and she just nodded as I leaned in and softly let my lips fall onto hers, making sure that it wasn't rough but as my way of reassuring her that I love her. "I love you to Camz, a lot and thank you for waking up at 3 in the morning just to make me feel better." "I would wake up at any time anywhere if it had to do with you." I placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled her, if it was even humanly possible, closer to me until she was at peace, sound and asleep.
I woke up and Lo was still wrapped in my arms. What did I do to be able to wake up to this beautiful girl every morning. I questioned wether I even deserved her. As I started to sit up she stirred around and opened her eyes. "Good morning beautiful." A smile stretched across her lips and she kissed my cheek. "Morning babe." We stretched and got out of the bunk making our way to the other girls. "Hey sleepyheads Ally made breakfast." "FOOD!" I let go of Lauren's hand and ran towards the bacon and pancakes. God I love pancakes, it doesn't matter what time of day I love them. "Mila and those pancakes gosh take a breathe." Normani said as I stuffed pancakes in my mouth. I went over to Lauren and almost kissed her until I remembered that the girls have no clue about us. I took out my phone and texted Lo to apologize.
C~ Hey, what are we gonna do about the girls?
L~ Umm...Dinah already knows.
C~What? When? How? Lolo.
L~ A while back I told her about my feelings for you, when we came out of the back the other day she kinda just got the gist because that was the first time I was happy in a while and she knows that you are the only one that would be able to do that.
C~ Oh well I'm glad that I make you happy. When do you wanna tell them?
L~ I don't know today?
C~ Oh god um okay but you're telling them because I'm scared.
L~ Don't be scared babe but before we tell them I have to do something so meet me at the park down the road at 2.
C~ Okay?
~End of Text~
I looked up at Lo confused about what she had to do. I shrugged it off easily though because I still hadn't finished my pancakes.
It was 1:50 and I was ready to go meet Lauren. I'm kinda scared. What if she says she doesn't want to tell the girls, what if she's embarrassed by me. Oh my god Camila shut up. Okay let's just go and get this over with. I made my way out of the bus and down to the park. When I got there I saw Lauren standing over by a tree. There was a beach up ahead and the water was beautiful. It was about 30 degrees outside so I doubt we were going swimming. "Hey what's up?" I say giving her a quick peck. "I know that this just happened and if you don't want to it's fine I understand, but then again it's not like I just met you." She took my hands in her own and brought me closer. I looked in her eyes and saw fear. Why would she be scared? "I love you so much. So in honor of that. Camila Cabello will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes went wide as I realized that this would be my first real relationship. I put my hands on her neck and smashed my lips on hers. I pulled her body closer and tangled my hands in her hair while her hands rested on my cheecks. I pulled away but my forehead was on hers. "I would love to." We kissed again and again. I'm a little nervous at the fact that I've never actually been in a relationship. Shit, I didn't even have my kiss until two days ago. I looked into her eyes and took a breath calming more and more as the emerald orbs poured into mine, I'm sure it would be fine as long as she's by my side.
Next chapter there will be a little trouble in paradise.

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