Fate, secrets, and Lord of the Sea

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Jake's POV

I whip around to see a man in a Hawaiian shirt, beach shorts, and sandals walking towards us.

"Who are you?" I ask standing and facing the man.

The pack and Cullen's stand behind me ready to attack.

The man stops in front of me pausing, observing me. It felt uncomfortable? No more like invading. As if he could see every second of my life, as if he knew ever word I have spoken or though, as if he could see everything.

"Alas I can not say my oath forbids me saying," the man says a twinkle in his green sea like eyes, "but when the time is right, you will understand."

"How do you know my sister?" I demand.

"Fate is a funny thing," the man says in a far away voice as the corner of his mouth crinkles into a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I ask frustrated.

"I can say no more," he answers and starts to walk away.

We all watch him.

He pauses at the shore line and turns.

"Protect her, she is more powerful than she thinks. Secrets protect but they also destroy.... Nice taking to you.... I'm impressed with the jointness of vampires and shifters....." He stares right at me.

What the hell? Does he mean Alex? How does he know about vampires and shapeshifters??

"It makes me curious... Why it took so long? But as I said, only fate decides." The man walks into the water and vanished.

I turn to my friends.

They all have similar looks to what I think is on my face.

"I'm confused," Emmet announces loudly, "what's this about fate, secrets, protecting someone? And how did he know about us?"

No one answers. Silence falls as everyone soaks in what happened.

"Well one good thing that came out of that was, now we know Alex isn't human," I say.

"I don't understand how that's possible," Sam mumbles.

"Me neither," I say.

All I know is that I'm having a serious talk with my Dad and sister.

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