Why isn't life normal?

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Bella's POV

We run down the beach following the scent. I can't decide if the dog was scary or cute. I mean it looked adorable however it's size was terrifying, and I'm a vampire.

I wonder what it was doing here. Why is nothing ever normal?

As we keep running I realize that the beach is weirdly empty, even for a cloudy day. We run for a few more minutes when the dogs scent completely disappears.

"Where'd it go?" Asks Emmet dumbly.

"Idiot," I scoff.

Rosalie rolls her eyes at her husband.

"I heard that," Emmet said.

"You were meant to," I say back.

"Hey Sam, Emily, Alex and her friends are over there," Quill points out.

A few football fields away from us, they are all laughing and having a good time.

"I thought you said they were in trouble," Jared says nudging Alice who is frowning.

"I though...." She mutters, "stupid giant dog changed my vision."

"Awe but Alice it was a cut dog!" Collin smirks, "we should name it."

"No we are not naming it," Jake says,"we don't even know what it was."

"About that I'm going to head home and do some research. Call of something comes up," Carlisle says, nods a goodbye and walks away with Esme.

"Whatever I'm bored I'm going to see what Alex is doing," seth says running off.

"That kids is brain washed," Jared laughs.

"Ya, but so are you when it comes to Kim," Jake retorts.

"Very true."

"Well we aren't getting anywhere, so I'm going to follow Seth and see what the others are doing," Edward states.

We all agree and head over to where Sam, Emily, Alex, Percy and Annabeth are.


Sam's POV

Me and Emily where walking along the beach when Alex comes over and introduces her friends. We sit down and talk. As we talk I notice that Alex's friends smell different. Not human.

I stiffen slightly. Emily may be my wife but she's also my imprint and I can't help but be protective over her.

She seems to sense my sudden change of mode because she give me a smile and leans against me.

I will have to talk to the pack about this.


Seth's POV

The dog thing doesn't really bother me. I mean it wasn't hurting anyone, it just looked like an overgrown puppy.

I'm tiered of trying to figure out what's 'wrong'. If you ask me a lot is wrong. Vampires.... werewolf... they shouldn't exist....

I walk towards Alex, my imprint.

I just can't stop thinking about her. Her smile. Her laugh. She sass. Her wildness. Her temper.

"Hey guys," I say joining their circle.

"Hey Seth!" Alex squeaks.

Percy and Annabeth give her weird looks.

I smile.

"Hi, Alex," I says. She's so cute.

"Whatcha guys doin?" I ask.

"Just talking," Emily says,"telling stories. I was just saying how when you and Leah were little we would do fishing and you tried to eat a fish raw."

"I did not!" I yelled.

"Yes then you threw up all over me," Emily insisted.

"Whatever, serves you right for letting me eat a raw fish," I joke.

I look over at Alex. Her face is scrunched up.

"That is disgusting!" She mumbles.

"I was little, no judging!" I defend playfully.

"Ya you shouldn't judge, remember when you and Percy where at the boat house..." Annabeth starts but Percy slaps his hand over her mouth. Her eyes go wide.

"Really Annie? I thought we said we'd never talk about that again," Alex whines.

Annabeth smirks evilly.

I narrow my eyes and feel my hands curl into fists. No one is mean to my imprint.

I'm chant in my head stay clam stay calm.

"Hey guys sup?" Jake asks as he approaches with the rest of the pack and Cullens.

"Nothing just talking about how annoying you are," Alex says.

Jake rolls his eyes.

I laugh.

"How about be play that game of truth or dare!" Emmet offers.

"Sure," we all answer.

***** Really sorry for not updating! Been studying for Exams. It's my first year ever doing them Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I probably won't update for a week or so. Sorry! Also if you guys ever have any ideas that you want me to add into the story feel free to comment.

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