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Alex's POV

I'm sooooooo excited I finally get to go home!!!! I haven't seen my family and friends in such a long time!!!!!!

It was such a surprise this morning! Chiron had called me to the big house and told me that I was going to go back home. He also told me about my brother and his pack as well as the cold ones.

I'm going to miss camp...but I can always IM them. Plus Percy and I can communicate through water.

Oh ya, I kind of got carried away... let me explain...when I was a baby Poseidon (that's right the Greek God from mythology class really do exist) anyway Poseidon found me on the beach and said I was special, that I was unique and would play an important role in the future so he blessed me and gave me his protection.

It's hard to explain but I'm kind of like a demigod but more powerful. Even thought Im not technically a demigod I still go to camp. I'm in Poseidon's cabin. Yep that's right, Percy's my big bro along with Tyson!

I should go and say goodbye to everyone.


"I'm going to miss you soooooooo much!!!!!" Annabeth says as she hugs me.

"Awe don't go all mushy on me wise girl, and please do me a favour keep my brothers ego to a minimum." I say. "I'll IM you everyday. And I promise you guys can come visit!

"My little sis in going!!!!!!" Percy says as he fake cries.

"Awe nice to know you care about me," I say hugging him.

"They'd better be nice to you, if you have any problems call me and I can kick some but!" Percy says.

"Thanks for the offer Percy but I think I can handle myself." I say "but I always know I can count on you guys."

I hug them, say goodbye, and start to walk away but turn and say "no mushy gushy nuisances while I'm away" and wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at the couple.

They both blush.

I then proceed to say goodbye to all my friends. Even Clarisse said goodbye and that she would miss my awesome knife throwing skills...well actually she just said that I wasn't a bad kid and that I am reasonably nice.


"Boarding flight 78, boarding flight 78"

Great that's my plane. Ive never been on a plane before, since I'm the 'daughter' of Poseidon, Zeus  doesn't take to kindly to having me in his domain. However, Chiron was able to arrange for a slight tweak of the rules and some how made Zeus make an exception and let me take a plane.

I find my seat and sit down. My stomach is doing flip flops and I'm sweating like pig... trying to calm myself I close my eyes.... a little rest won't hurt.


I wake up to the speakers announcing that we are about to land. Not five minutes later we are back in land - Thank the gods!

Yes! Finally back on ground. I gather up all my stuff, which isn't much, and get off the plane.

I go to the luggage cart and get my other bags. Then I look around to see if I can find my brother, he said he would pick me up. Then I see it, a sign reading "Welcome Home Alex". I smile and head over to the person holding it.

"Jake?" I question.

"Alex?" He asks back.

I nod and hug him. Man, I'm not hitting on my brother or anything but he is very muscular!

"Wow you look different" I say, and it's true last time I saw him he was in the awkward fourteen-year-old stage.

"So do you," he says. "Let's go. Dad's dying to see you"

We walk to the parking lot and get into an old truck.

"So how have you been?" I ask. "I haven't seen you in forever, things must have changed a bit."

He grins. It the same one as before but bigger if that's possible.

"A lots the same. Still have to go to school, eat, sleep, watch TV," he says.

I give him a look.

"Well I hang out with a group of friends. You probably remember them, you used to play with a lot of them. Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quill, Seth, Leah, Collin, and Brady." He says.

I do remember a lot of those names. Especially Paul. We were both trouble makers/hot heads.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Well I there's my friends Bella," he starts.

I recognize that name. Chiron told me she's the human to fell in love with one of the Cullens. Who had a vamp-human kid.

"And her adoptive daughter, Renesmee is really cute. She's 6. Bella and her whole family are kind of our extended family. We used to be enemies but we've gotten over the problems." He says.

Adoptive daughter? I'm guessing that's the cover story.

"How about you?" Jake asks." How have you been?"

"Oh, I have a group of friends Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Thalia, and Grover. We are pretty well known at school." I say.

Everyone thinks that I've been at a boarding school. The only person who knows that I have been blessed by Poseidon is my mom and dad. But mom died a few years ago so now it's only Dad.

"Been a pretty well behaved kid," I add smiling.

Jake smiles back.

Then I realize that the truck has stopped we're here!!!!!! I jump out and start running around.

Jake just stranded there smiling and shaking his head.

"You haven't changed a bit, still your crazy self I see," he says. "Let go see dad."

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