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Alex's POV

I wake up in my bed? I guess I fell asleep. Well it's nice and cozy in here so I don't think I'll go spy on the 'meeting' tonight.

I close my eyes.

In my dream I'm at the beach with Jake and his friends when suddenly a giant pack of hellhounds arrive.

Knowing that the Cullens and pack wouldn't be any help I put an ice barrier between us.

I can see them pounding against the wall. They are screaming for me to let down the wall.

I turn away and fight the army but there are too many. Fifty hellhounds against one demigod is not a good chance. I get beaten and thrown around.

Everyone is still freaking out and trying to get through the wall. They are crying and their faces full of fear and sorrow.
Jake and Seth are on the ground with grief.

In the corner of my eye I see Annabeth and Percy appear.

They both start fighting as soon as they see what's going on. They hack and slash at the beasts. They get the hellhounds off of me. As soon as I'm free I start to fight as well. Soon there are only a couple of hellhounds left.

Pain shoots through my head I scream and fall to the ground, Annabeth hurries over.

"Alex stay awake! HELP!!!!!!" Annabeth shrieks.

My dream changes so that I'm seeing everything from third person POV.

Percy runs over and crouches beside Annabeth, hovering over my body.

I see him check my pulse. He starts CPR.

Annabeth stands up and just stares. Her face is emotions less.

*the scene changes to...

....Everyone is crowded around a casket. Mine.

.... Seth crying

.... Jake crying

... Dad crying

..... Poseidon yelling at Hades

.... The Cullen depressed and blaming themselves for not being able to help.

.... Annabeth unwilling to do anything

..... Percy silent and angry

**end if dream**

I gasp and jolt awake. I sit up and put my head in my hands. I sit for awhile and process everything. Then I shakily get up and go into the bathroom. I turn on the tap and drop a golden drachma in to the water.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, show me, Annabeth chase, Camp Half-Blood" I chant.

I decide on calling Annabeth because I know she will be awake and helpful, Percy in the the other hand would be sleepwalking/talking and would be no help whatsoever.

The water shimmers and Annabeth's face appears.

"Alex!" She screams

"Shhhhhh!!!" I whisper-yell "Have you forgotten that it's past midnight and everyone is supposed to be asleep!"

"Oh sorry!" She says laughing.

"I need you and Percy to come tomorrow. I had a dream where a pack of hellhounds came and killed me. I don't know when it's going to happen, the dream didn't say."

"Okay, don't worry. We will be there. I'll go tell Mr. D and Chiron right now."

"Thanks Annabeth! See you tomorrow!" I wave. Mr. D will not be happy after Annabeth wakes him. Oops.

"Sure thing Alex!" She smiles and waves her hand through the mist ending the message.

I crawl back to bed. My heart is still racing and it takes awhile to fall asleep....But eventually I do.

Seth POV

My imprint is so pretty! I love her so much, I see what all the other guys mean, Alex is my world, my sun, my everything.

This thing about the hotdog, I don't really care. I mean I don't get the point in all the fuss.

It's 12:00, I should go to the meeting.

I phase and start to run toward the clearing when I feel a 'pull' to go to Jake's house, so I turn around and run towards his house.

When I get there I look through the window. I see Alex thrashing and kicking in her sleep. She's crying and screaming.

I can feel her fear and pain, it breaks my heart. Its horrifying. All I want to do is run to her. I want to comfort her, I want to take her pain away, I want to hold her and make her happy, I want to wipe her tears away, I want to make that beautiful smile fill her face.

But I can't. Not only because Jake would freak, but because I don't want to scare her, I means she's only known me for two days.

I just stand by her window and watch. The pain in my heart gets worse and worse as I see her like this. The urge to help her becomes stronger and stronger, but I resist.

After a couple of minutes Alex bolts up, wake.

I have to leave so that she won't see me.
I wish I could stay.




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