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Jake runs home with me on his back. I smile into his back. It's so good to be home!

"Thanks for the piggy back ride!" I laugh as I get off

"What's for dinner?" I ask as we walk in.

"Harry Clearwater's famous fish fry," dad answers.

I smile. It is the best thing on earth. I've missed it these past years.

"Yummmmm.." I say and sit down.

Once dad and Jake are sitting. We fill our plates and dig in. Jakes and mine are full to the edges.

"Woah. You took a lot," Jake observes.

"Not any more than you did," I point out.

"Ya but I'm ten times bigger than you," he says shocked.

I shrug.

"I love food."


"So how've you been?" Dad asks winking.

"Good, staying out of trouble, only almost gotten kill a few times," I make it sound like a joke but dad knows what I'm talking about. "But overall people like me."

He smiles.

"You grades?" He asks.

"Um... Good. Didn't fail anything but I'm going really good in Greek history," I say proudly.

"Good for you! In the fall your going to be attending Jakes school. You'll be fine, Jakes pretty popular."

"Dad!" Jakes says sheepishly.

I laugh. I hear a wolf howl. Jake's head snaps up.

"Can I be excused, I forgot Sam needed help with something,"he says quickly.

"Go head," dad says waving him away, "I need to spend time with Alex anyway."

Jake runs out.

"What colour is he?" I ask.

"He's alpha, very furry with reddish brown fur. He's imprinted on Renesmee, sweet girl, who is half-vampire half-human."

"That's cool. When do I get to meet her?"

"Tomorrow, the vampires are coming for a camp fire. Ever since Jakes become alpha the vampires have been more welcomed here. We've gotten used to each other. They are actually really close friends of ours now."

"I'm glade to hear, I've never understood why you were enemies. I'm happy Jake has found someone. Also can't wait to meet the vamps!"

"How's camp?"

"Really good, there hasn't been many attacks lately which is nice. When should I tell them about me?" I ask.

I'm worried what if they think I'm a freak!

"I think you should tell them when they tell you their secret. Have fun with it, make them wonder what you are." I smirks. "They need a good mystery."

"Well is getting late, I'm going to go to bed now, see you in the morning." I get up and put my dishes in the sink. "Oh and don't worry about the dishes I'll do them in the morning," I say and go to my room.

"Good night, Alex,it nice having you back. I missed you." He yells

"Missed you to! Night" I yell back.

I change into sweatpants and giant hoodie and get into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

Coming Home(twilight/percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now