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Jake's POV

I hear Sam howl, something's wrong.

I ask to leave and run out side. I shift and run into the woods.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Vampire." Is all Sam says.

Soon the rest of the pack has shifted and we race after the vamp.

"Which one?" I ask

"Donno, don't recognize the scent," Sam answers.

Soon we catch up, and kill the leach.


We go back to Sam's. Even though we are both Alphas we decided to share the pack, we are both in charge and can give orders.

"Your sisters hot!" Collin blurts out.

Seth growels.

"She out of bounds, one because she's my sister and two because she's Seth's imprint." I tell Collin and the rest of the pack.

"Man, you lucked out witj your imprint." Embry whispers to Seth. "Alex is awesome, such a badass and is gorgeous beyond belief."

Seth smiles proudly.

I must admit that I'm happy Seth was the one to imprint on Alex. Seth is a good kid. It also gives Alex a reason to stay.

"Hey Jake?" Sam asks turning towards me.

"Ya?" I respond

"Is Alex related to you by blood?" He questions.

"Ya, why?" I say.

"I think she might change soon."

"Oh, why would you think that?"

"Well today when she punched Paul, it actually hurt." Sam points out.

Quill laughs.

"Paul get punched by a girl and it hurt!" Quill teases.

Paul's face goes dark and his eyes narrow.

"Calm down Paul, and I think you might be right Sam. She eats just as much as I do and she can punch hard." I say and Paul feels better that it hurt me too.

"I wish it weren't though , I don't want to pull her into this world." I say.

"Well we were going to have to tell her sometime, I mean Seth is her imprint." Sam points out.

"I know, but after mom died she's never been the same, I feel that with all the craziness of our world she won't be able to deal with it." I say.

I remember she used to be so outgoing and care free, more relaxed. Now she's different: more tense, guarded, more... I don't really know. I miss her.

"She'll have all of us, plus Seth. She'll be fine Jake" Jared says.

I smile and nod. I know they will help. They will always have my back same as I will always have theirs.

"When are you going to tell her Seth?" I ask.

"She'll hear the legends tomorrow at the campfire," Seth says "and I don't want to overwhelm her, I was thinking of telling her at the end of the month."

I nod.

"That will let her have time to adjust and trust us. Then I'll tell her and if she can't handle it, I'll leave her alone," Seth says.

This is why I'm glad Seth is her imprint. He's so thoughtful.

"Want to invite the Cullens over and go cliff diving tomorrow?" Jared asks.

Everyone nods.

"Well see ya guys tomorrow," I say. "Remember you have first watch Collin."

With that I run out the door and phase.
When I get home dad is watching TV.

"Where's Alex?" I ask.

"In bed, she was tired. Probably the time change." He replies.

"I'm tired to, see you in have the morning dad."


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