Weird smell

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Paul's POV

Ugh. I hate patrol, though it's nice that we don't have I do it at night. It's just so boring.... I mean you can only talk with the other pack members for so long...

At the moment Collin and Quill are helping me patrol, so far nothing exciting has happened.

"Paul over here!" I hear Quill yell in my head.

"What? What's is it?" I ask as I run towards Quill.

"It's a weird smell! I don't recognize it," Quill says.

"A vamp?" Collin asks.

"I don't know," Quill responded in a worried voice.

"Alright. Just stay put until Collin and I get there," I order.


Collin and I run up to Quill at the same time. As soon as I see arrive I can smell the scent, it's close.

It's different, not one of a human, werewolf or vamp.

"Follow the scent," I say.

The three of us start to run towards the scent. It gets stronger and stronger... It's sweet like a vampires but not in a bad way.


The scent leads to two teenagers, a boy and a girl.

The boy is kneeling by the girl who is passed out in the ground.

"Phase," I order. "We need to help them."

Collin and Quill nod and phase.


"Hey," I say to the boy as I walk out fm behind the trees.

The boys jumps up and protectively hides the girl behind him.

"Who are you? Can we help you?" Quill asks.

"I'm Percy and this is Annabeth. We're here to visit our friends but we kind of got lost and Annabeth panicked and fainted." The boy says.

"Who's your friends maybe we know them." I say.

"Alex, Alex Black." Percy says.

"Oh your Alex's friends. She said you were going to be coming today, Ya no problems.. Follow us." I say.

"Thanks," Percy says.

Weird their scent isn't human however they look and act human, we should talk to Carlisle about them.

Percy's POV

I'm leaning over Annabeth worried. What in Hades' name is wrong with her?

"Hey seaweed brain." She whispers smirking.

"Thank the gods your ok!" I say. "Don't ever scare me like that again!!!"

"Shut up!"

About five seconds later three tanned, fit, quite large teenagers walkout from the woods behind me.

"Hey," the tall one asks.

I jump up and protectively shield Annabeth. I'm so confused.... why is Annabeth pretending to be passed out? For all we know these could be monsters in disguised.... Help would be nice!

"Who are you? Can we help you?" The one on the left asks.

"I'm Percy and this is Annabeth. We're here to visit our friends but we kind of got lost and Annabeth panicked and fainted." I say cautiously.

"Who's your friends maybe we know them." The first one asks.

"Alex, Alex Black." I says. Maybe they aren't monsters. I let down my guard a little bit.

"Oh your Alex's friends. She said you were going to be coming today, Ya no problems.. Follow us." The guy say.

"Thanks," I say. "What are your names?"

"I'm Paul, this is Collin and this is Quill. We are good family friends if the Blacks."

"Cool. Ya... We kind of got lost. Annabeth, idiot, forgot to ask where we are supposed to go. We've been wondering around for awhile," I lie.

The guys laugh.

"So why is she passed out?" Paul asks.

"Um.. I don't actually know... She probably saw a spider or something. She has a phobia of spiders," I say.

Since she is a daughter of Athena her fear of spiders is more of a phobia. It's hilarious, she screams and begs me to kill them whenever she see one. Once she even started to cry!

I pick Annabeth up bridal style and motion for Paul, Collin and Quill to show us the way.

I follow them... I hope I'm making the right choice!

Why in Hades' name did Annabeth decide to 'faint'???!!! I need her decision-making-expertise's to tell me what to do!

Well it's not my fault if these guys end up being empousa's in disguise and kill us!!

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