Alex vs Annabeth

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Jake's POV

I don't understand, we have the same parents, how can she not be human? Wait....why am I believing a random stranger that turns into water?

Everyone is just standing looking at each other, probably wondering about the same things as me.

I here a faint cry in the distance. My head snaps up like everyone else's.

Seth is the first to react.

"Alex!" He whimpers and bolts.

We all run after him.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

We shift and follow her sent.


We keep running until we come to a clearing near Sam's house.

Percy and Annabeth are sitting in a tree talking.

I sniff the air. Alex's sent has disappeared.

I shift and put my shorts on. I walk out into the clearing and march to the bottom of the tree. The Cullen's and my pack stay behind.

"Where is she?" I ask angry.

"What?" Annabeth asks.

"Where is Alex?" I growl.

"She had to go somewhere," Percy replies.

"She's in danger," I say deathly low, "tell me where she is."

"She told us not to tell," Annabeth says shaking her head and jumping down from the tree.

I can't stand it anymore. I phase. I let out all my anger. I can't control it.

I stare at Annabeth in my wolf form. She doesn't even flinch. I look up at Percy he's just smirking. Such a good boyfriend he is.

I jump at Annabeth she ducks away.

"Stupid mutt, she doesn't want you to know, just leave it," she tells me.

I growl and show my teeth, which are more like fangs than the Cullen's teeth.

I walk towards Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV

Stupid mutt. Alex doesn't want him to know yet.

He keep walking towards me. The rest of the pack walks into the clearing. If I wasn't so pissed off at I would be admiring the gigantic size of the wolves and analyzing their genes. However that's not the case. I'm very pissed off.

I pull out a knife.

"Stay back" I order.

Jake lets out a laughing bark/howl.

"I'm stronger than you think," I say.

They change me.

I jump and put my foot on Jake's snout, I push off and flip backwards into a fight position. He charges again and so do the rest. Our fight lasts for a couple of minutes until I throw a knife at Jake.

He stumbles. I tackle him to the ground.

"STOP!" I order and the wolves back up. I look down at Jake in wolf form.
"Shift." I say.

He walks into the woods and comes back a few minutes later. A deep cut in his arm with a decent amount of blood coming out.

"What are you?" He asks.

"Someone you shouldn't mess with," I say, "but seriously man up. Your fighting sucks. So does all of yours," I say to the pack.

I smirk and turn to Percy, who's still in the tree.

"Oh and by the way I know your listening, so you might as well come out," I say on the direction of where the Cullen's are.

After a few seconds of silence they step forwards into the clearing.

"Ready?" I ask turning to Percy. He nods and jumps down from the tree.

"Where are you going?" Jake asks.

"Ice cream." I answer.

"I thought you wheat to get ice cream with Alex...." He says.

"Where the hell is my sister?" He demands, "she screamed! Didn't you hear her?"

"Eh...She'll be fine. She can handle herself." Percy shrugs.

Jake clenches his fists in anger.

"Some friends you are," he growls.

Apparently he loved growling.

There a rustle in the trees and Alex walks out.

"Hey," she says "ready for Ice cream?"

I nod.

"You guys can come to, if you want" she says turning to face her brother and everyone.

Suddenly her eyes widen.

She rushes over to Jake.

"What happened?!" She asks frantically as she looks at the knife wound I made.

It won't heal for awhile even with his wolf-fast healing gene. I used a cursed blade.

She drops his arm and looks at me, well more like glares.

"You'd better run!" She says with narrowed eyes.

"Hey it was not my fault," I say crossing my arms.

She marches up to me and slaps me.

I slap her back.

I hear a couple growls. From Seth and Jake.

She lunges at me, I attack back.

Soon we are flipping, sliding, punching, and using multiple fighting styles. Neither of us can get an upper hand, to many years of training together. We know each others fighting techniques.

She reaches for her knife. She trows it at me I duck and it lands deep in the tree where I was standing seconds before. I hiss and reach for my knives.

With that, out fight turns into a full on knife throwing and dodging war. But of course you can only have a certain amount of knives on you and soon we run out.

We resume our fight she tackles me. I flip us around so I'm on top. We keep flipping over until we both have a knife at each others throats.

"Did you really have to use the cursed blade?" Alex asks panting.

"He's and idiot!" I pant back nodding my head in Jakes direction.

We stare at each other. I know by the look in her eyes that she was never mad, she just wanted a good fight.

I surrender first. And put my hands in the air for show.

She smiles.

"You better watch it Wise Girl," she laughs and grabs my hand.

Percy comes over, grinning, and hands us our weapons.

Together, we walk away leaving everyone stunned.

"We're getting ice cream, be back later!" Alex yells.

"Wait!" Jake yells

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