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Paul's POV

Finally they left!!!


They all nod.

"It's weird. It's like a vampire's but not," Bella says.

"They aren't vampires, they have blood and a heart beat." Rosalie says.

"So does Renesmee," Jake points out.

"Im not attracted to their blood," Jasper says.

"Neither am I," the rest of the Cullens say.

"They have mad skills," Emmet says. "Did you see how Alex did those flips?! Jake man, your sister's pro."

"Ugh. Why is everything always so complicated!" Bella groans.

"Think on the bright side, if nothing happened we would be board out of our minds," Emmet says.

"It's not like we have anything to go on.. I mean other than their smell that seam human" Collin says.

"They seem nice," Quill says. "Bet they would like cliff diving!"

"Well I think we should be careful." Jake says. "Keep your guard up."

"We can ask Carlisle later," Edward says.

"Whatever, they aren't hurting us so... Eddie truth or dare?" Emmet asks.

"Really Emmet?!" Edward asks.

Emmet nods.

"Fine," Edward sighs, "dare."

"I dare you to....."

"STOP!" Alice yells.

Everything immediately stop.

"What's wrong Alice? What did you see?" Jasper asks quickly, flashing to her side.

"I can see their future. The packs." She says.

"What?!" We all question.

"Sam and Emily are in danger. Alex and her friends are also there, I think." Alice abruptly gets up and runs out the door.

We all follow seconds later.

"Go to the beach," Jake orders.

The other wolves and I phase, along with the Cullens we race to the beach.

"How is this possible? I thought she couldn't see our future" Quill asks.

"I don't know," Jake says "but if you ask me I'm glade she can see our future now. It will help a lot."

"I hope Everyone's alright." Collin says

"They will be we aren't far, plus, Alice's future says that we have a few minutes to get there." Jake says.

"I wonder what kind of danger is there," Jared says

"Edward said that Alice couldn't tell, that it was unclear, like we used to be." Jake tells us.


We race to the edge of the forest and phase back into humans. Then was all run to the beach.

Jake freezes and motions for us to stop.

Holy Shit!

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