Meeting Everyone

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I open the door.

"Daddy, I'm home!!!!!!!!" I shout.

He wheels around the corner in his chair. I run to him and give him a hug.

"Missed you," I say

"Missed you too kiddo." He says. "I'm glade your staying around for awhile."

"Ya, so am I dad. So am I," I say.

"Well go out and meet everyone." He exclaims, waving his hand towards the door. "Don't stay and talk to your old man, go socialize."

"Ok, let's go Jake. Love you dad." I say and run out the door.

"Jake!" A group of big tall guys call from the edge of the forest.

Jake and I walk over.

"Hi," I say as soon as we are in hearing distance. Though I know since they are werewolves they can hear farther away. But I have to pretend I don't know that.

Now that we're are closer I recognize the one of the four, Paul.

"Who's the hot chick," Paul asks.

I laugh and jump into his arms. His face in hilarious, he wasn't expecting me.

"I'm seriously offended Paulina! You don't remember me?!?!?" I say with a faux pout.

"Alex?" He asks.

"The one and only!" I say messing up his hair and rearrange myself so that I'm on his back.

"Jake! Why didn't you tell me Ali was coming?!?!?" He practically shouts.

"Be quiet Paul! No need to be so loud." I scold and punch him lightly.

He winces. Oops. Maybe it wasn't so light.

"Also, my name isn't Ali, it's Alex. How many time do I have to tell you... I hate being called Ali!" I grumble.

This is when I notice the other three guys are looking at us strangely. I hop of Paul's back and offer a hand.

"I'm Alex, Jakes little sister." I say.

All the boys wave off the hand and give me a hug.

"I'm Sam"

"I'm Brandy"

"And I'm Collin"

I smile and them back.

"So where have you been if you don't mind me asking." Sam asks. "And why has Jake never mentioned you?"

"Oh. I was away in New York at a boarding school. I have ADHD and dyslexia (factors of being blessed my a god). As for why Jake hasn't said anything about me is... Well I don't really know why." I say. And playfully push him over.

"Hey!" He says as he stumbles.

I laugh.

"You should meet the rest of the pa... my friends." Jake says.

"Ok." I agree and jump on Paul's back.

"Onwards my noble stead." I order.

Paul rolls his eyes but obeys.

They all run. Why do thy run? I have no clue. Maybe it's a wolf thing.

We stop running after a good fifteen minutes and none of them have broken a sweat not even Paul who is carrying me.

"Aren't you guys tiered?" I ask. I know it's because they aren't human but I'm supposed to be a human. "I mean you aren't even sweating."

They look at me, probably thing of a lie.

Coming Home(twilight/percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now