Welcome to the Cullen's

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Percy's POV

I follow the boys for along time when suddenly we come up to a giant house. I lay Annabeth down and admire the enormous building. It is beautiful.

Paul, Collin and Quill laugh at my reaction.

"Oh my gods!" Annabeth squeaks.

We all jump.

"Oh hey your awake," I say. "This is Paul, Collin and Quill."

They each step forwards and shake Annabeths hand.

"I'm Annabeth, and oh my gods is this your house?" She asks.

"No, it's the Cullens." Collin responds.

"The architecture is amazing. The structure, foundation, style!!!!!! It's...." Annabeth says jumping up and down.

"She's really into architect and stuff."
I explain to the confused boys.

"Anyway Alex and everyone should be here. Come." Paul says.

We walk in. Inside the house is amazing. It's classy and elegant yet homey and welcoming as well.

I look over at Annabeth she's still in awe. I laugh and drag her along.

"So as you can see this is a pretty awesome house," Quill says smiling. "The owners of it are even awesomer!"


We go into what looks like, the living room. There are about twenty people, they all turn to stare at us.

Some of them look inhumanly pretty. Pale. Still. Their features are to exact and perfect. The others all have russet skin and well tones body's. Suddenly my eyes land on a familiar face, Alex.

"WISE GIRL!!!!!" She tells and tackles Annabeth to the ground.

Annabeth pushes her off laughing.

"Nice to see you," she says hugging Alex, "Have you seen this house!!??!!??The structure is unbelievable! The work and preciseness is outstanding. The design..." Alex slaps her hand over Annabeth's mouth.

"I'm sorry to say but I couldn't car less about that kind of stuff."

Annabeth pouted.

"Hey what about me? Don't you wanna give your brother a hug?!" I ask pouting like Annabeth.

"SEAWEED BRAIN!!!!" She says and jumps in my back. "Annie is being all smartbrainy!!!!"

"When is she not?" I point out.

"True, anyway... That is my brother, Jacob aka Jake and these are his friends... Seth, Embry, Jared, Kim, Clair, Brady, Rosalie, Emmet, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and you've met Paul, Quill and Collin."

"Cool!" I say.

Annabeth hits me.

"It's very nice to meet you, I'm Annabeth and this is my boyfriend Percy, and please excuse his manners, apparently he has none." Annabeth says apologetically.

"I have manners!" I say.

Percy! Alex tells in my mind.

What? I ask

They don't know that I'm a demigod.
Play along. She says. Pretend that I'm weaker than you. She says.

You are weaker than me. I point out

No I'm not! She argues.

Your right we are about even. I admit

"Hate to break it to you bro, but you suck at using manners!" Alex says out loud and punches me.

"You really shouldn't have done that!" I say and tackle her.

"Oh I really did." She said flipping us around so she was on top pinning me down.

"You know I will win so why bother?" I ask throwing her off of me.

"Cuz where would the fun be in that?!" She says running at me. "And may I remind you I saved your butt twice!"

"Whatever!" I say.

She tackles me again. We fight for awhile, throwing each other around, punching, kicking, showing off our ninja skills.

"Really?" Annabeth says after awhile. "Your asses would be six feet underground by now if I joined the fight, now stop fighting! Percy, we are guest and your making a bad impression! And Alex! Why in Hades name is your technique so bad? We worked in it all year!"

"Hey! It's not that bad." I say standing up for my sister.

"And may I remind you about capture the flag during the summer when Percy first came?" Alex say slyly.

"Just get off the ground!" Annabeth snaps.

"Someone's PMSing!" I whisper yelling into Alex's ear.

Alex laughs. Annabeth hisses.

Alex and I quickly get off the ground. Annabeth can be scary.

"Rematch later. Outside. No holding back." I say.

Alex nods smiling.

Annabeth glares at us.

"Anyway.... As I said before this is Percy he's like a brother to me.... We do everything together and Annabeth is always cleaning up our messes. So Ya..." Alex trails off awkwardly.

"Let's play truth or dare!" The big bear-like boy yells, Emmet I think.

"You guys can, I'm gonna show Annabeth and Percy around. We'll be back in about an hour." Alex says pulling Annabeth and I out the door.

I see relief flash into everyone eyes. Weird. I don't think I was that bad. I mean....

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