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Carlisle's POV

Billy come to the end of the legends.

Now I see what Bella meant when she said they were magical.

They truly are captivating and powerful.

I'm honoured to be able to have heard them. I give Billy a grateful smile.

Nothing needs to be said but I know he knows how grateful I am.

We all sit around the fire not talking, it's a comforting silence. Slowly people start trickling off.

"I'm going to take Alex home," Jacob says. "Nessie can stay here with her if you want."

I nod. "Ya Ness is out cold. It's funny she's half Vampire but she loves her sleep!"

Jacob laughs. "See you in about ten minutes in the clearing."

"Sure thing." I respond and watch Jacob and Bella carry Alex and Nessie back to the Black's house.

I turn to my wife.

"Lovely weren't they? The stories." I ask.

She nods.

"I wish we'd have been friends with them before now. Why did it take so long to overcome out differences?" She sighs.

I hug her into my chest.

"I don't know. But I'm glade we have now."

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you more," I say and kiss her.

"We should round everyone up. It's almost midnight." She says pulling back.

I smile at her amused. Esme feel that she's the mom and shouldn't be displaying affection in front of the kids. 

I look round....

Alice and Rosalie are talking with Emily, Kim, and Leah about the new shoe sale they need to go to.

Emmet and Jared are fooling around.

Collin and Quill are talking to Jasper about the what it was like to fight in the war.

Everyone is getting along. I love seeing everyone so happy.

"Hey kids, hate to break up he conversation but we're having a meeting in the clearing in about five minutes." I say.

Everyone perks up.

"Race ya!" Leah yells at Alice and Rosalie the phases.

The three of them are off within seconds. The boys are not far behind. Jasper and Emmet take off with Collin, Quill and Jared phasing behind them.

I look over to Emily. She's shaking her head smiling.

"You coming?" I ask.

"No, sam can fill me in later. Plus I'm pretty tired. I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Ya probably, I can't seem to keep the kids away from here." I say.

She laughs.

"They are always welcome. It's unfortunate that it's taken so long for us to work together." She says sadly.

"Well at lease we are now," I say.

She nods. "Night"

"Night Emily" Esme and I say together.

We watch her walk off.

I turn and take Esme by the hand and we run off.

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