The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth... Well... Maybe

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Alex's POV

"Ouch! Percy! You suck I thought you said you mastered water traveling!" Annabeth snaps.

Percy sputters "I did, but Alex was trying to manipulate it!"

"Was not!" I yell at him as I stomp over to him ready to punch him, but something catches my eye.

"Awe shit!" I exclaim as I look up to see the Cullen's and the pack.

"ALEXANDRA MAY BLACK! YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Jake yells stepping forwards.


He used my whole name.

"What did I do?" I ask innocently.

He growls and starts to shake.

"Jacob calm down," Seth says putting a hand on Jakes shoulder.

"You've been lying to me your to weak to face me," Jake snarls, "you little bitch!"

Ouch.  That stung.

"That's what you think of me, your sister?" I ask hurt clear in my voice, "that I'm a lying bitch?!"

His eyes flash.

"You're not my sister, you lost that when you lied to me," he snaps, "your pathetic."

A tear rolls down my check.

"I'm not the only one lying, mutt," I whisper.

The next thing I know he shifts and comes at me.

I dove roll out of the way and stand knife on hand.

Sam and Paul shift and try to hold him back.

"Damn you Jacob," I say staring him straight in the eye, "I thought you would understand, I didn't tell you my secret because you didn't tell me yours. You can't hold this on me -  your a fucking dog!"

I swish my hand and engulf him in a ball of water, so he's frozen in place.

"Listen closely you little bastard, cuz I'm only saying this once. I am not weak or pathetic! I could beat you anyway. Watch your self," I snap in his face and unfreeze him.

I turn to Sam and Paul who are staring wide eyed at Jake (since he was frozen in a ball of water).

Jake run into the forest.


He comes back seconds later.

"Can I talk to you?" Jake asks coldly. 

I nod my head and follow him.

He keeps walking farther and farther into the forest. Then he suddenly stops.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask

He doesn't move.

"Hey!" I I say louder getting annoyed.

He still doesn't move.

I grab his arm and swing him around.

I gasp.

His eyes are gold: he's possessed by a sprit.


He lunged at me. Claws growing in place of fingers.

"You are going to die, blessed child of Poseidon," the demon snarls.

"Not today," I smile back as I see Annabeth behind the the monster with a cursed blade.

She throws the blade and the monster becomes dust.

10 min earlier
Annabeth POV
"Can I talk to you?" Jacob asks Alex coldly.

She nods and they walk into the forest.

"What..." Jared says trailing off.

"Percy and I are demigods. One of our parents is a Greek god," I smirk, "I'm daughter of Athena, god of wisdom, battle strategy and craft, which mean I always win."

Percy elbows me.

"Actually not always, but 99% of the time she wins," Percy says giving me a quick look.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyway I'm Perseus son of Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses," Percy says, "Questions?"

A gust of wind comes by and the Cullen's heads snap to the trees on our right.

Seconds later Jake run in.

"Where's Alex?" Seth asks Jake.

"What?" Jake asks confused.

"You wanted to talk to her, you went into the woods?" Seth says just as confused.

"Shit! There's an intruder," I exclaim and give Percy the look and run into the forest.

We run trying to find Alex and the intruder.

I burst through a thing of bushes and find myself behind the monster.

Alex taunts it as it try's to threaten her.

I throw my knife at the monster. With my almost perfect aim, it sinks into the monsters back. It's turns into dust on seconds.

I smile at Alex.

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