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Jakes's POV

After shopping Seth and I were hungry so I decided to go get pizza. When I get home I see Seth watching TV with Alex's head on his shoulder.

My big brother mode turns on, I want to yell at him, but I understand what it's like to imprint so I let it go.

I walk over and give Seth a box of pizza. Then sit down on the other side of the couch and eat my own pizza.

We decide to watch the Saw movies.


After the second movie is over Alex wakes up. We start the third saw movie, Alex gets scared and hides her face in Seth's chest.

Again I want to rip Seth's head off but I restrain myself.

About half way through the movie Alex is asleep again.

She snuggles into Seth and is hugging him like a pillow.

I growl slightly but stop when I see the adoring look Seth is giving her.

Eventually Seth is asleep too so I'm left alone watching the movie alone.


When the movie is over I hear the doorbell ring. I get up and answer it. It's the Cullens, with an unconscious Nessie. Even Esme and Carlisle are here. I invite them in.

"Hey guys!" I say. We walk into the living room.

"awwww.. " they all comment when they see Seth and Alex on the couch.

"Aren't they so cute together?" I say.

I still don't like the idea of Seth and my sister but I have to admit they look cute together.

The Cullens nod.

I take Nessie, lye her down on the other couch and motion for them to follow me.

"Yesterday Sam found a vampire. We chased it we didn't know the sent and it had red eyes so we killed it. Here's the scent," I hand them a piece of the vamps clothing. "Recognize it?"

They all shake their heads except Carlisle.

"That was Dain. Thanks your for killing him he has been wanted by the Volturie for a long time." He says.

"Do you think anyone was with him?" I ask, "I mean do we need to tighten security?"

"No, Dain hated everyone. Never worked with another vampire, he only worked alone." Carlisle says.

I nod.

"We should go, the fire should be starting soon," I say.

The Cullens nod excitedly this is the first time they have attended one of our meetings.

"I call waking up Alex!" Emmet says.


Alex's POV

I hear someone say my name.

"Alex" Emmet say shaking me a bit.

I groan and hug my pillow. Emmet laughs.

"Wakey Wakey!" He says louder.

I open my eyes.

"Go away!" I say.

Emmet laughs again and others join in.

"Hey Alex nice pillow!" Rosalie comments.

"Thanks," I say looking down at it.

I scream.

"IT'S BREATHING!!!!!!! It's like that thing in Saw!!!!!" I shriek and jump
onto Emmet and hang on for dear life.

My pillow grunts.

I scream again, I jump down and run behind Jasper who is the closest to Emmet.

Everyone is on the floor laughing now.

Then it hits me. I used Seth as a pillow. I feel my face go red.

"We are never going to talk about this ever again!" I say. I am an idiot. Why would a pillow breath? Really Alex?!

Everyone is still laughing. I start to laugh too.

"What's going on?" Asks a sleepy Seth in a husky voice.

Damn why is he so hot?! His hair is slightly messed up and his voice.... Oh my gods I'm obsessed with him. Hey! Don't judge if you knew what he looked like you'd be drooling over him too.

"Nothing," I say. "We should go to the meeting."

We all go to the meeting and take our places.

During the laugh attack, Nessie had woken up and had insisted that Jake give her a piggy back ride to the camp fire.

Once the fire is steadily going we start to cook hotdogs and roast marshmallows.

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