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We arrive at Sam's and I get off Seth.

"Muffin!!!!!!" I yell and sprint to the kitchen. I grab the muffin tray and go sit on the couch by Seth.

Everyone laughs.

Wait what? How did they get here before Seth and I? Then it hits me, right, I totally forgot that I'm not the only non-human here.

"Yummmy!!!! Hanks Emmy!!!" I try to say with a mouth full of muffin.

I pass the tray of muffins around, all the boys take at least four each.

"Want one?" I ask the Cullens even though I know they will say no.

"No thanks, had a big breakfast before we came." Jasper says.

"So what are we gonna do know?" I ask jumping up and down excitedly, my ADHD isn't helping me control my energy.

"Let's go shopping!!!!" Alice screeches.

"Ya!!!!!!!!" I say getting up and pulling her towards the door.

Rosalie, and Nessie jump up and are excited to go shopping. However Bella sighs and looks like she'd rather die. But she come along.

"Sethyyyyyyyy!!!Wanna come and carry my bags?????!!!!!!" I yell as I head out the door.

"Ya Jazzy your coming too, I can't carry everything." Alice orders.

"You know that means you're coming too, right Emmet?" Rosalie chants.

"Well Edward you might as well come too." Bella mutters. "Hate shopping."

"Jakey!!!!! Comming??" Nessie asks. She's so adorable.

All the boys groan like Bella. But lovingly they all say yes and we all pile into cars.

The rest of the boys who don't have girlfriends or a six year old towing them around stay behind and snicker.


This is my first time going to a mall in a VERY long time.

I scream and run around. Everyone stares at me.

"Ok, I know I'm sexy but really? Do you need to stare? Staring rude!" I chastised. They all look away quickly.

I skip back to where Seth, Jake, and the Cullens are standing. They all look at me with a shocked expression.

"Let get this party started."


The girls and I go to every store. By the end we are all carrying eight bags plus another twenty bags which the guys are carrying for us.

"I think we did good!" I say.

We all laugh, even Bella.


On our way home we dropped off the Cullens so they could put away their clothes.

At home Seth stays for lunch and Jake goes and gets pizza.

"Thanks for carrying my stuff Seth," I say leaning against his shoulder.

"No problem. It was quiet amusing watching you girls dress up." He says.

"I bet your favourite was the 'Victoria Secret' stop." I say and wiggle my eyebrows.

He blushes.

I yawn.

"Tiered?" He asks.

I start to nod but end up passing out. I hear Seth faintly chuckle.

Coming Home(twilight/percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now