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Alex's POV

The next morning I go down stairs and tell dad that my friends are coming.


"Thanks again Dad!" I say and sit down to eat my breakfast.

"Thanks for what?" Jake asks walking in.

"Oh, just a few of my friends are coming," I say.

"Cool, the guys and I are going to the Cullen's today, wanna come? You can bring your friends."

"Sure." I say "you spend a lot of time with the Cullens?"

"Ya they are like family. They also have an awesome house."

"Sounds like fun," I smile.


Percy's POV

I wake up the next morning and walkout the door to get breakfast when Annabeth stops me.

"Hey seaweed brain, Alex IM'd me last night." She says.

I instantly start to listen.

"Great! How is she?" I miss my baby sister.

"She had a dream and we need to go and help her. She thinks an attack is going to come and wants extra protection."

"Ok, when do we leave?"

"Well I already talked to Chiron so we can leave whenever, but I want to leave right now. I don't want to leave Alex alone without protection."

"Fine, let me get my stuff...." I sigh, it's still morning, I hate mornings.

"WAIT! I already packed for you!" Annabeth says pulling towards the Pegasus stables. "Me and Blackjack have everything under control."


"Sup Boss!" Blackjack greets me.

"Hey Blackjack, how ya doin'?"

"Great nothin' much. Where to Boss?"


"Ok, I think we can get there in about 25 minutes. Hold on tight!"


"Thanks for the ride Blackjack," I say giving him a pat.

"No problems Boss, see Ya later Boss," he says and flight off.

Annabeth and I look at each other. We have no idea where we are supposed to go. I guess we should have IM'd Alex before we left.

Coming Home(twilight/percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now