Human or not Human?

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Jake's POV

"Truth," I answer. I want to be on the safe side because something in the way that Alex is looking at me makes me think she has a good dare.

"Ok ummmm...." Alex leans back lying on the ground. "Let me think.... I really thought you where gonna chose dare."

I knew it!

She sits back up, "ok perfect what is..."

I tune out on what she's saying as something catches my eye.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to her hip where her shirt has ridden up. There's a large scar that goes up her shirt.

Her eyes go wide.

"ALEX WHAT HAPPENED?" I asks through clenched teeth. It looks painful.

She looks at Percy and Annabeth for help. They both look clueless.

"Nothing." She says shrugging.

"It's not nothing Alex," Paul says, slowly shaking his head.

"Trust me guys I'm fine," Alex says laughing us off.

"No it's not fine!" I say reaching over and lifting her shirt up.

I gasp. So does everyone else. The scare is deep and travels from her hip to her shoulder blade.

"W..what happened...." I asks upset.

"It's fine!" Alex snaps at me pulling her shirt down. "I'm going to go to get ice cream, Percy Annabeth."

They silently obey Alex and the three of them get up to leave.

"I'm going to tell dad." I blurt out.

"I don't care, but it's nice to know that I'll have you always going around tattling on me." Alex replies bitterly.

"I'm not tattling, if you won't tell me what happened." I say harshly, "I'm worried about you," I say in a softer tone.

"I don't need you worrying about me I can take care of myself!" Alex yells and starts to walk away.

"You obviously need me! You have a freaking scar that goes a crossed half your body, your being childish!" I yell as she storms off.

"Fuck off! I have lived almost half my life without you! You never called or emailed to see how I was, you never asked about me, you never cared about me so why start caring now?" Alex yells.

"Get back here!" I yell but she's gone. "Ugh!" I groan.

"Dude she's freaking hit when she's mad," Collin says.

Seth and I punch him.

"No hitting on my sister." I say and Seth just growls.

"Way to go Jake, you made upset!" Seth snarled at me.

I hold my hand up in surrender.

"You'd be pissed to if you found out your sister has a life threatening looking scar a crossed her back!" I say.

"It was a deep scar," Jasper says. "Deep like a what a vampire's teeth can do to an animal."

"Your saying my sister was attacked my a vampire!" I screech.

"No, she wouldn't survive. The venom would have turned her, I'm just saying that it's not a normal scar," Jasper clarifies.

"Your sister isn't human," a voice says.

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