What is she?

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Jake's POV

I'm in the clearing, Esme and Carlisle have arrived, now everyone's here.

We all gather in a circle. The pack and I shift back into humans so we can talk.

I look around the circle. Everyone is looking at me.

"You all know why we are gathered here. My sister seems to be a mystery." I start. "I know she's my sister but we need to keep any eye on her. There's something 'off' about her."

"At first I though she was going to shift but I don't know. Her temperature isn't hot enough and she's doesn't have wild mood swings." Sam says.

"Ya but she's really strong and eats a ton, which are factors of shifting." Paul counters.

"That still doesn't give us a reason why the hotdog tastes like blood." I say. "I don't understand what's going on. She is my sister by blood, which means she's only got werewolf genes in her."

"You're sure?" Carlisle asks.

I give him a questioning look.

"Well we have the same names on our birth certificates." I say.

"Well... I say we let it slide I mean I finally got to eat really food!!!!" Emmet says. "It was AWESOME!"

"We can't let the fact that someone turned a hotdog to blood slide." I say, "she may be my sister but that doesn't change the problem."

"We should do some research." Edward calmly states. "You said she's strong? Do you mean stronger than a normal human?"

"She punched me and I got a bruise," Paul admits pouting. He hates looking weak.

The pack smirks.

"Seriously?!" Bella exclaims, "when I tried punching a werewolf I broke my hand!!!"

We all laugh.

"Ya but that cuz you're you Bella, weak little human who it's a danger magnet." Jaspers points out.

We all laugh as Bella lunges at Jasper.

He knows she won't do anything so he lets her jump on his back.

"I'm not little!!!!!" She screams in his ear, then jumps down and walk over to Edward and kisses him.

"Someone's in a bad mood," I say sarcastically.

Bella stick out her tongue. Me being the mature person I am, I stick my tongue out back a her.

"Enough," Sam orders.

"Chill, we're just having fun," I say "we will figure this out eventually. Also going back to Edward's question Alex eat almost as much as I do."

Embry punches me.

"Fine, she eat just as much as me." I admit.

He punches me again.

"Fine! She eats more!!!" I snap playfully.

"Seems strange I mean, she looks and acts completely human," Esme says.

"Well we won't be getting any answers tonight but we will try and find something." Carlisle say.

"Thanks," I say "and no worries, Alex hasn't done anything harmful yet. So there no hurry."

"Ok we will call you if we find anything." Carlisle says.

With that Esme and Carlisle run off but the rest stay.

"Hey anyone seen Seth?" Leah asks.

I look around. I could have sworn that he was standing beside me.

"He's probably with Alex," Collin snickers.

Leah's face turns weird. She makes a disgusted face.

"Eewww! Ugh. Why does he have to imprint on her!!!! I mean I really like her she's super sweet! But soon she's gonna be dating Seth and that's just weird!!!" Leah huffs. "Anyway mom wanted us home, so I need to go find him."

We watch her run off into the trees. A few minutes later she comes out as a wolf and runs away.

We chat with the Cullens for a while but soon we, as in the pack, get tiered and say goodnight.

It's really nice since we have befriended the Cullens, they take most of the really late guarding shifts for us.

They swear they don't mind. But I guess just like how I love running around as a wolf, they probably love running around vampire speed and having something to do.


I arrive home. It's completely dark. I stumble my way to my room and flop on the bed. Why is everything so complicated?

I roll over and shut my eyes.

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