Ice cream, Pegasus, Camp, Rachel and Answers

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Shoutout to "Eri2822" for the idea. :)))

Really sorry for not updating!


Alex's POV

"Wait" Jake yells but we ignore him and keep walking.

"Hey after ice cream we should go to camp and say hi to everyone" I say.

"Sure," Percy and Annabeth replied.

Ice cream place

"Hi can I have two scopes of double fudge chocolate," I ask.

"I'll have two scopes of peanut butter crunch," Percy Orders

"And I'll have two scoops of moose tracks please," Annabeth says.

The lady gives us the ice cream, I pay and we head towards the forest.

Once we are out of human sight Percy calls for Blackjack and some of his friends.

Soon 3 flying horses swoop down from the sky.

"Hey Boss," Blackjack greets Percy.

"To camp half-blood please," Percy instructs.

At Camp Half-blood

The Pegasus fly to the stables and let us off, we thank our Pegasus and walk towards the cabins.

"Alex! Great to see you!" I hear someone tell from behind me.

I turn to see Grover trotting towards me.

"Hey Goat boy!" I yell back.

"Hey what about us?" Percy asks pointing to himself and Annabeth pretending to be deathly offended.

"I saw you guys this morning when you left," he replies rolling his eyes.

"Oh right!" Percy grins. "Well I still missed you man and I would appreciate it if you missed me back."

"Whatever Perce, let's go guys their just starting dinner," Grovers prances away joyfully.

All of us hungry from our fight quickly run to follow.


Annabeth goes and sits with her brothers and sisters at the Athena table while Percy and I sit at the Poseidon table.

Immediately after sitting down food appears on the table, I quickly get up along with Percy and we push some of everything off our plates in to the fire for our offering. Thence stuff our faces with food.

"Percy, I don't know what to do about my brother," I say in between mouthfuls of food.

"Well his is ur brother," Percy says shrugging, "it's up to you what you say but if the positions were swapped I'd want to know everything."

"But what if he thinks I'm a freak? Or something," I hear my voice go up in panic.

"Hey," Percy says quietly putting an arm around me, "he loves you just like me, Annabeth and Grover. It might be a little shocking but he'll get over it."

"How can you be so sure?" I snap, "I've been lying to him."

"Cuz you aren't the only who been lying. I mean he's a freaking dog!" Percy sends me a goofy smile.

I giggle.

"Your the best brother ever," I say giving him a side hug.

"So I beat the dog?!" He exclaims excitedly.

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