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10 minutes before.

Annabeth's POV

Percy, Alex and I are at the beach. Percy is talking to his dad.

"I'm glad you guys could come," Alex said.

"Me too. Camp is different without you. The Poseidon cabin is oddly quiet." I laugh.

"The hellhounds should arrive soon," Percy says, "Dad just warned me."

"Well this should be a piece of cake," Alex announces, "with the three of us nothing will go wrong."

"So you say. But with yours and Percy's planing you'd get us killed," I tease.

"Whatever!" Alex sasses flipping her hair and rolling her eyes.

"Ya it's.. READY. FIRE. AIM" Percy adds.

"You know it's ready, aim, then fire. Right?" I ask, "because of you don't aim before..."

"Lalalalalalala..." Alex cuts me off.

The pounding of giant paws hit the ground. The three of us turn to see a group of hellhounds charging towards us.

We all get into position, weapons ready.

"Percy get the two on the left. Alex you get the front two. And I'll get the two in the right. The rest of them will wait. They won't all attack at once." I order.

"Like Hades they won't!!" Alex yells.

"Trust me!" I yell back. Though I know no matter what Alex will listen to me, she know her decision making is terrible.

Once the hounds are close enough we charge. We hack and slice through the beasts. Slowly they start to fall and turn into piles of dust.

Percy kill his two and has moved on to another pair. The one grabs his sword. All he has left is a dagger. I try to run towards him to help but a hellhound jumps in front of me.

I know that the sword will go back to Percy's pocket but I don't know how long it will take. But the time he gets the sword the hellhounds might have...

I look over at Alex she's already dealing with three hellhounds, she can't help Percy. I start to freakout.

"PERCY!" I yell.

There's no response.

Instead I see a especially big hellhound fly over me and run towards Percy. I immediately calm down.

It's Mrs. O'Leary.

I finally kill the hound I have been fighting with. It turn to sand. I run to help Alex who is still battling with three hounds.

Soon, with Mrs. O'Leary's help, the hounds are dead.

Percy and Alex go to the water to heal their cuts.

We thank and congratulate Mrs. O'Leary. She runs down the beach fascinated by a butterfly.

Alex's POV

A few minutes after Mrs. O'Leady left Sam and Emily walk by the water. I run over, percy and Annabeth follow.

"Hey guys," I greet them.

"How are you?" Emily asks.

"Great. I just wanted to introduce my friends Percy and Annabeth," I say.

"Welcome to Lapush. I'm Sam and this is my wife, Emily," Sam say.

We sit down on the sand and talk for a little.


Jake's POV

We run towards the beach. I just Got Alex back I can't let her get hurt. Once we get to the beach everything seams normal until I see it.

I motion for everyone to stop.

Sitting on the beach starring at us is the biggest dog I have ever seen. Way bigger than any of us when we shift.

Holy shit! What do we do?

We just stare at it.

"What the hell is that?" Emmet asks.

"No clue," Carlisle says.

Wait Carlisle's here? Alice must have called him or something.

"What should we do?" Paul asks.

"What about Sam, Emily, Alex and her friends. Aren't they supposed to be in danger?" Collin asks.

"I can't see anything. That thing is making everything fuzzy" Alice accuses the giant dog thing. 

The dog tilts it head.

"Don't move," I say.

It shows its teeth. Not in an aggressive way... But more like a big toothy grin. It walks towards me. Sits down and just stares at me.

"Ummm..." I say.

"Jake, I think it likes you," Quill states.

"Obviously," Jared says punching Quill.

"A little help?" I say.

But before anyone can do anything the dog gets up barks and runs away down the beach.

"We have to follow it," Edwards says.

We all agree though we are all also confused on what it is and shocked
at how big it is.

The other wolves and I shift. Together we and the Cullens follow the scent of this abnormally large dog.

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