Next day

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Alex's POV

I walk into the kitchen the next morning. No ones up. I decide to make breakfast.

Not long after I have started to cook Jake and dad are up.

"The Cullens are coming over," Jake says. "You'll finally get to meet all my friends and Nessie."

"Ya!" I start jumping around like a five year old.

"We are going to go cliffdiving wanna come?" Jake asks smiling.

"Hell ya!!!" I say.

I pass around breakfast.


After I do the dishes, I change into my navvy blue one piece bathing suit.

I like this one because it hides my scars. I have two deep ugly scars that run from my left hip around my back up to my right shoulder blade. (From my first fight with a furry.) No one knows about them except Annabeth and Percy.

Jake and I head to the beach. It's kind of cold and cloudy out but who cares? The sun doesn't need to be out for us to swimming, it's called suck it up!

When we arrive everyone is there.

"This is Alex, my sister." Jake introduces me to the vamps. "These are the Cullens. Rosalie, Emmet, Alice, Jasper, Bella, Edward and Nessie. Their adopted parents, Esme and Carlisle, are coming to the bonfire tonight so you will meet them then."

I walk up to them and hug them all, much to their surprise. I turn to Nessie.

"Jake's been talking a lot about you, and now I can see why." I whisper in her ear.

But I know everyone here heard what I said. Stupid vampire and werewolf hearing, but I shouldn't complain cuz my hearing is just as good as theirs.

Nessie flashes me a smile.

"Let's go!!!!" I scream "I haven't done this in years."

"Hate to break it to you but you've never gone cliffdiving" Jake says.

"Ya, I have with Paul, loads of times," I say and slaps hand over my mouth. "I mean you're right never done it before, I'm scared want to jump with me?" I ask innocently.

"You let her go cliffdiving!!!!" Jake yells at Paul they both start shaking.

Everyone freezes.

"Stop it Jake," I order. He doesn't listen he shakes harder.

I walk up to him and slap him, hard. He stops shaking, in shock.

"Geeze!! Calm down!!!" I yell. "Last one to the cliff is a rotten egg!"

We all run, it funny though since none of us are running as fast as we can. The vamps are obviously not running as fast as they can. The wolfs and I are pretty much walking compared to how fast we can run.

When we get to the top I don't stop. I run and flip of the edge.

I pray to Poseidon, and hope he's in a good mood. Thankfully he is, and the landing into the water is as soft as landing on a cloud.

I swim around and wait for everyone else to jump in.


Bella swims over.

"Hey!" she says.

"Hiya! I love the water, don't you?" I ask.

She laughs.

"Ya, though I love the sun more, unfortunately I don't see it much here in Forks." She says, "So Jake said you went to a boarding school, why?"

"Oh I have ADHD and I'm dyslexic so I decided to go to a special school, and now I'm back!" I say cheerfully.

"I'm glad. It'll be nice to have another girl around. Maybe you can convince Jake to wear a shirt more often."

"Ya. Probably not going to happen, when I asked dad about that, he said that Jake hardly goes anywhere with a shirt on," I say.

We both laugh.

"I haven't seen him in such a long time, but he hasn't changed....loves to show off, doesn't do dishes, eats like a pig, and sneaks out at night. He thinks I don't know, but he's not very quiet."

Bella forces a laugh.

"Why does he leave?" She asks.

"Oh I don't know probably to hangout with his pack." I say.

Her eyes widen when i say pack.

"His pack?" She asks.

"Ya that's what I call his group of friends. They are so close and alway together it's as if they are a pack of wolves." I shake my head. "Its funny the way they all get along."

Bella stays quiet.

We swim around, I'm aware that everyone is looking at us and that they heard our whole conversation.

But I'm used to being stared at so I shake of the creepy feeling and enjoy the water.

Soon everyone goes back to normal.

Paul comes over and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!!!" I scream.

He just chuckles.

"Seth! If you really love me!!!!!!! Please rescue meeeeeee!!!!!!" I say in a baby voice.

He smile and come over.

"Paul put her down." He says.

Fortunately for Paul he listened, so Jake and Seth didn't have to beat him up.

I give Seth a hug and jump on his back.

"My knight has come to the rescue!!! Onward my noble stead!"

He laughs.

"Which way my lady?" He asks.

"To Sam's for one of Emily's famous muffins!" I say.

He runs off and I hug his back, hiding my face in his neck. I feel everyone's eyes on us.

I love Seth Clearwater!

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