Bloody Hotdog

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Jacob's POV

"Hey I bet I'm gonna eat the most!!!!!" I say.

"Not happening." Paul retorts.

"Ya I can definitely eat more that you," Quill say.

"How about they person who eats the most gets $20 from everyone," Alex says.

We all agree.

Alex's POV

"Do you want one?" I ask Emmet holding out a hotdog.

"No thanks, we eat before we came." He says.

I laugh everyone stiffens slightly.

"You're a teenage boy, your aways hungry. Eat up!" I say forcing the hotdog into his hand. "You know starving yourself is really bad, tried it once. It just makes you feel dead."

Everyone gasps and start to reassure me that I'm not fat, that I shouldn't starve myself, that I'm perfect the way I am.....but I hear on comment over the rest...


I start to laugh.

"This isn't funny! It's incredibly dangerous." Jake says shaking even more.

"I would never starve myself. I love food to much. Just said it to make them eat." I say giggling.

"Not funny!!!!" Jake snarls

"I thought it was," I snicker and roll my eyes.

A few of the pack members and the male Cullens laugh.

"Don't joke about that kind of stuff or else.." Jake says sternly.

"Or else what ?" I ask sweetly.

"Just don't," he says.

"I could fight you," I state.

Paul laughs, "No you couldn't."

"Bet I could. Any way back to the hotdog.... Eat!" I say to Emmet.


Emmet's POV

I don't want to eat it. Human food is soooooo gross, tasted like dirt. I don't see how they think it tastes good! But I don't see a way around it. I pick up the hotdog and get prepared for the worst.

I take a bite.

I watch Emmet take a bite. As I expected his face light up and he smiled.

"Your right I am hungry," he says as he takes another bite.

The rest of the Cullens and the pack give him a weird, questioning, shocked look.

Guilty. I may or may not have made the hotdog taste like blood.

Emmett POV

What the hell!?!? Why does this taste like blood!!! Not that I'm complaining.

Eddie???? What going on????

He shakes his head.

"Don't call me Eddie," He yells at me, to low for the human ear.

"We need to talk," I whisper to Jake and Sam. "This hotdog tastes like blood."

They look at me shocked.

"Impossible!" Sam says. "Meet us where the new born war was at midnight."

We all nod.

I keep munching on my hotdog. It's weird eating food like a normal person.

Jacob's POV

Why the hell does the hotdog taste like blood?! Alex couldn't have done that could she? No she's human. 100% human. But who could turn food to blood?

If it's Alex dad has a lot of explaining to do.


Alex's POV

I laugh internally. They don't know that I can hear every word they say. I might have a party or meeting to crash tonight. Though dad did say to have fun with telling them what I am and I must admit it is fun making them guess.

Jacob's POV

Since we have a new found alliance with The Cullens we have change our legends a bit.

It's the same 'cold ones' story and the 'third wife' one but we have added a legend about our friendship with the Cullens called the 'golden ones'.

Dad starts the legends.

Everyone quiets down and inchs closer.

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