Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Becca POV

"Hey, Bec, it's your turn to fill the bird feeder," My little sister, Jasmine, tells me.

"Alright," I get up from my spot on the couch to find the bird feed. I grab it and walk outside onto my porch, where the feeder is located. As I'm filling it up, a car comes to a screeching halt in front of my small house. I shrug and forget about it. I turn to step back inside my house...

until a hand reaches over to cover my mouth.

I immediately panic and start trying to hit him, just like Daddy taught me. But he's dragging me backwards, and I can't catch my feet. I can't resist, can't fight back. I squirm, making it more difficult for him. I try screaming into his hand, but it's no use. Nothing comes out.

As he's shoving me into the car, my little sister comes out of the house.

"Becca!" She yells, already dialing a number. The mysterious guy gets in the car and drives away. I try to get out, but he locked it. After a few blocks, I give up. I sigh and slump into the seat he's forced me onto.

"Becca, that's what the other girl called you. Is that your name?" The guy, or I guess my kidnapper, asks.

"W-what do you want from me?" He holds up a gun, but doesn't point it at me.

"Is Becca your name?" He repeats.

"Um, yeah, I-I'm Becca."

"Last name?"


"Well, Becca Stine, your name is no longer Becca Stine, it's Emma Tulip."

"Emma Tulip? What?"

"The girl was calling someone. There's no doubt that the police have already been notified, that an Amber Alert was sent out."

"What are you talking about?"

"We're going to have to leave Pennsylvania as soon as possible."

"We're leaving the state? You know Amber Alerts go to the whole country, right?"

"Yes, I know! Now, shut up!" He barks, then tosses back some boxes. "Ever put in contacts before?"

"Yeah, I'm wearing some now."

"Great, put those in."

"With an addition to the ones I have in now?"

"Yes, that's how they're designed, put them in!" That gun is still there, so I just listen to the crazy man and do it. "They in?" I say yes. "They change your eye color, yours are now blue. Okay, so, my name is Henry. Four years ago, I lost my wife. Two days ago, I lost my kid. They both killed themselves. So, I went on a mission. My daughter was my pride possession, and I lost her. I want her back. That's where you come in. You are now my daughter."

"What, that's not how it works. Ever heard of adoption?"

"Hm, yeah, no, I want exactly my daughter. I don't a daughter, I want my daughter."


"You will be acting like my daughter. You'll dress like her, act like her, become friends with her friends. You will act as if you were my daughter."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill you," I gulp and nod, "Wonderful, let's learn about you."

"Um, I'm 16?"

"Okay, what else? What grade are you going into?"

"In August I'll be going into my junior year."

"Ah, yes, June is summer vacation for you Americans."

"Where are you from?"


"Perth, Australia?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"You're taking me to Australia. You do know kidnapping isn't legal, right?"

"This is not kidnap, this is merely getting back what is mine."

"I'm not yours!" I yell at him.

"Yes you are! You are my daughter wether you like it or not!" As much as I wanted to argue, I didn't. He has a gun, and if he uses it, I doubt that I'll get back to everyone. I can't die. I can't do that to Jasmine, my parents, my friends, Savannah, Jordan, Brooke, Calum, Ashton, Michael, or Luke.

I can't do that to Luke...


In a few hours, we've arrived at the Philadelphia Airport.

"Keep your head down, don't let anyone notice you," Henry tells me. He hands me luggage, and we go through security without any problems. As we're sitting in terminal, waiting for our plane, I decide on talking to Henry.

"Tell me about Emma," I order and he looks at me.

"She's also 16, but she's halfway thorough her junior year. She turns 17 in August. She dyes her hair often, and her favorite band is Fall Out Boy. She also loves All Time Low. Her favorite kind of food is Chinese. And she's way too sassy for her own good. She does well in school, and she's pretty popular. Her best friends names are Teresa, Cassandra, Mark, and Chase," He hands me a phone. "That's her phone, learn more about her yourself." I start searching through her phone.

I noticed how he was speaking in the present tense. Her favorite kind of food is Chinese, she does well in school. He's talking as if she were still alive. Which maybe he honestly believes, through me. But he probably saw her body, he knows she's dead.

How am I going to trick her best friends that I'm her? This is going to be so damn hard.

I eavesdrop drop on the conversation the couple next to me is having. I heard my name, so now I'm curious. "Isn't that terrible? That girl watched as her sister was kidnapped. It's not like she could have done anything!" The woman says.

"I know, it's horrible. I wonder where she is."

"I guess we'll know in time," They start calling people to get on the plane, so Henry and I stand up and get in line.

After a few minutes, we're taking off.

"Goodbye, guys. I'll see you again," I whisper, as the plane gets further and further into the sky, and I get further and further away from those I love.

A/N: this father is cray.

Ok, right now, luke is only 17. I know he's 18 in real life, but let it be.

1) I love Dylan O'Brien
2) I love Ansel Elgort
3) I love Ed Sheeran

^^^^All you need to know.


UPDATE! I'm listening to Fourth of July by FOB.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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