Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Becca POV

That afternoon, after the boys arrived at the house, we drive to the place Amber works. Cassie's car fits five, but Mark and Chase have long legs so it was uncomfortable for the smallest person in the back. (Me.)

We walk out of the car, and I stretch my legs. "I call the front on the way back," I say. We walk into the building and Amber's face lights up.

"Emma, it's so lovely to see you! Miss me already?" She teases. I smile and hug her.

"You know it," I joke with her. "Amber, this is Chase, Mark, Cassie, and Teresa." I point at each person as I said their name. "This is my personal stylist, Amber." They say hi.

"What do you need, Emma?" Amber asks.

"My hair dyed," I showed her a picture of the hair I want, and she sets me down on a chair.

"Emma, you're such a creative girl, you know that?"

"Yes, I do," I laugh and wait as she puts chemicals in my hair.

"Becca, who are the people who came in with you?"

"Amber, those are my friends. Cassie, Chase, Teresa, and Mark. Guys, introduce yourselves to Amber please."

"I'm Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassie."

"I'm Teresa, but everyone calls me the queen."

"Bitch, no one calls you the queen. If they did their true queen, who is me, would cut them." The group laughs and I feel good. I love making a group of people laugh.

"I'm Chase, and this is Mark."

"Hi, Amber. I love your shirt!" Mark compliments her. She's wearing a Rolling Stones tee shirt.

"Thank you! Do you like the Rolling Stones?"

"Yeah, I love classic rock as a whole. Van Halen is great, too."

"My personal favorite is Aerosmith."

"I just listen to Katy Perry," Cassie says sheepishly.

"Cassie, your music is shit. Bands that Teresa, Becca, and I listen to are way better," Chase says.

"What bands do you listen to?"

"Panic! At the Disco," Teresa starts naming off.

"Green Day," Chase says.

"Fall Out Boy," I stress it, remembering the Emma really likes them.

"They're good, too," Amber says.

"I like them, I guess," Cassie says.

We discuss music, much other things. Books, movies, places we think moving to would to be cool.

"Personally, I would love to go to Italy," I say.

"I want to live in America for a few months," Teresa says and Chase scoffs. "I'm serious, it's cool there. Everyone is just so proud to be American. You can practically taste the patriotism. That's great. Plus, they have great colleges there."

"Like what?"


"Teresa, Americans are crazy," Cassie says.

Well, not all of them.

"America is big place. There has to be some place where there's normal people. The country, maybe? A small town?"

"Alright, whatever," Cassie says and rolls her eyes.

It takes Amber a while because of the odd decision. But, she's finally done now, and I get to see the result.

"One, two, three!" She spins me around and I admire my hair.

"It looks great, Amber!"

"Thank you! I think you look amazing!"

"Thank you," I smile.

"You're welcome," Chase offers to pay, which surprises me.

After a few minutes, we're out of the building and in the car.


"Honey, I'm home!" I yell once I arrive back after my day with Emma's friends. Martin looks at me, and his eyes widen with shock.

"Emma, your hair!" He exclaims. I laugh.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it looks wonderful!" He walks up to me. "Does your father know?"

"No, it was a spontaneous decision I made with my friends."

"Where did you go? I didn't think you left with money."

"I didn't, Chase paid. We went to the salon Amber works at."

"Well, Amber did a lovely job." Henry walks out of his office. When he seems me, his eyes turn hard and angry, then soft again.

"Emma, you got your hair done? By Amber, I assume?"

"Yeah, I got it done a few hours ago. Doesn't it look great?"

"Yeah, I love it," He smiles, but I can tell through his shit-colored eyes that he's lying.

"Me too. Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight," I skip up to the large sized bedroom. I change into my pajamas and take my contacts. I wipe my face off.

I stare at myself for a good few minutes. This is who I am. I have hazel eyes, defined cheek bones. My hair is a mix of all shades of brown. I look like a combination of my mother and my father, just how my personality is. I don't look or act like either one more than the other. My name is Becca, I'm American and the only place I've ever lived is Kiloville. I'm in love with my best friend, Luke.

Emma was Australian. She lived in Perth. She had blue eyes and she dyes her hair often. She had plenty of piercings. She was popular in school and her father is a psycho. Her mother is dead and she lived in a closet of a broken home. She had friends that don't know about her life, and she's dead.

Somehow, Emma managed to live on in Becca's body. Becca is no longer Becca. She is now Emma. Emma's face, her friends, her hair, house, life, Emma's mind.

And I hate it.

I splash my face with cold water and walk out of the bathroom. Henry storms into the room.

"Never dye your hair without my permission," He commands and I stiff up. "This isn't Emma, Emma had blue hair. Didn't you listen? You must convince people you're her. That includes me." He says in a cold voice. "I'll shoot you if it ever happens again."

Is he going to rape me again? He seems pissed off. What's going on?

Is he going to shoot me?

"Understand?" I nod my head and he returns it with a stiff nod. Then he walks out of the room, leaving me in a tension and fear filled room.

That's it? Is that all that I'm getting? No rape, no awkward feelings, no bullets? Suits me. Looks like Henry has some mercy.

I hesitantly climb into bed and turn off the light. Trying to shake the feeling of fear off my back, I snuggle into the bed. I cover myself with the duvet.

I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of the monsters that hide in the dark.

A/N: I'm tired.

UPDATE! it's Friday!! \_(^•^)_/

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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