Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Becca POV

After a long and depressing flight from Philadelphia to Perth, Henry takes me to look more like Emma. When she died, her hair was blue. So, I'm getting my hair dyed blue. Also, she had four piercings in each ear, and seven in her right one. She had three piercings on her ear lobe, and one in the middle of her ear. The additional three were all on the top of her ear. She had a nose piercing, just a little ring on the left side of her nose. And she had a belly button piercing.

What the fuck do you need a belly button piercing for? She was 16, dammit! Damn.

Luckily for me, tattoos were nonexistent. Thank God. I won't have to go through that.

"Alright, your ears first. You already have two piercings in each ear, so you only need the other two, and the additional three," Henry says. I roll my eyes and silently agree, knowing it was pointless to argue.

"Hi, what piercings will you want today?" The lady asks. Henry shows her what he wants he to get, along with my nose and belly button, and she looks at him as if he were crazy.

"Nine piercings at once?"

"Yes, please," The lady mouths whatever and draws dots on my ears.

"Do those look even to you?" She hands me a mirror and I nod. "Alright." Through much pain and biting my lip, she pierces my skin. She gives the instructions on how to take care of them, and Henry drags me off to the hair salon.

"Hello, what will we be doing today?" The stylist asks.

"Dying her hair blue," The stylist nods and it's done in about an hour. "You're not allowed to look yet." Henry says. He talks to the stylist for a little bit. They come back to me with smiles, "Emma, meet Amber. She is your new personal stylist. Every morning at six thirty, she will come and do your hair and makeup."

"Can't I just do that by myself?"

"No, you need a professional."

"Alright, hi, Amber."

"Hello, Emma. I bet it's going to be a blast working with you," Amber exclaims. I nod.

"Alright, do your magic. You've been given instructions," Henry orders and Amber nods. She spends about half an hour on me, before spinning me around to the mirror. I gasp when I see myself.

I don't look like myself. Instead, Amber completely changed my face to make me look like Emma.

"Do you like it?" Amber asks me

"Uh, yeah, it's great," I lie.

"Good, because those are the instructions your father gave me to do on you every day."

"Okay," I say and get up out of the chair.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Emma!"

"Bye, Amber," Henry takes me outside and forces me into the car.

"I've noticed that you're speaking in an American accent."

"Duh, I'm American."

"Well, Becca might be, but you're Emma now. And Emma has an Australian accent, so speak in an Australian accent."

"Yes, sir," I say, following his commands and speaking in an Australian accent.

"No need for sir. Call me Dad, I'm your Dad."

"Whatever. Where are you taking me now?"

"Eye doctor."


"To get the eye color changing contacts to match your prescription. And to buy you glasses."


"But here are your orders. You may not take out your contacts unless you're going to bed. You may do nothing between the time you take them out and the time you go to bed. That's the same with the makeup. It's waterproof, you need a special substance to get it off. Ya hear?"

"Loud and clear."

As we're driving, Emma's phone rings. The caller ID says Cassie, and a picture of a pretty blonde wearing fake glasses with her hair in ponytails comes up. I panic. "It says Cassie!"

"That's your best friend, answer it," Henry orders and I do.

"Hey, Cass," I say, in my fake Australian accent.

"Hi, Em! Why aren't you at school today?" Um, for one, Emma is dead. Two, the girl you are talking to is in a car with a crazy. That's why I wasn't in school.

"Oh, I'm sick," I lie.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Yesterday too?"

"Especially yesterday. It was terrible yesterday."

"Why weren't you answering my calls yesterday?"

"I had to stay in bed all day I was so sick."

"Will you be back tomorrow?"

"I hope so."

"Good, because tomorrow is Friday and you know what that means?"

"Yeah!" I yell, having no clue what that means.

"We collide science class with Mrs. Heller and Chase is in Mrs. Heller's class!" She squeals.

"It's the best."

"I totally agree. Alright, well I'm gonna let you rest. Bye, Em," Cassie says.

"Bye, Cass," She hangs up and I feel relieved. I read her text massages to find more about this Chase guy.

Did Emma like Chase? Or does Cassie? What is going on between them?

After minutes of snooping, I find out that Emma was the one who liked Chase. They were in a 'flirtationship'. Cassie actually liked their other friend named Mark. And Teresa was a loner.

There was this nagging question in my mind: Why did she kill herself? Based off what I've learned so far, her life was perfect. Her friends surely don't know anything. What what wrong with this girls' life that she hates so much that she had to end her life to escape it?

Her mother also killed herself. Where they connected? Did it involve Emma's father? I wouldn't be surprised if it did, he's crazy.

Hopefully I can find a diary or something when we get to her house.

A/N: poor bec.

No poor Luke fuck Bec Luke is the real loser here.

UPDATE! I shaved my legs today they're so soft.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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