Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Becca POV

"Emma, c'mon, get up," I feel someone lightly shaking me. I groan and turn around. Henry is waking me up. "It's 6:15, Amber is gonna be here in fifteen minutes. Put your contacts in."

"Call me Becca," I say.

"But you're not Becca anymore, remember?" I groan and get out of bed.

Now, remember, I'm from Pennsylvania. Perth is like 14 hours ahead of PA. I am jet lagged to the point of almost falling over when I stand up.

Also, my nose piercing really hurts.

I manage to stand up and wobble over to the bathroom to put my contacts in. When I walk out, Amber is there.

"Emma! Hello, how are you?" Amber asks me.

"Glorious," I say in a raspy voice.

"Mornings didn't used to be my thing, either. Then I got into yoga and coffee," Amber smiles. "Sit down." I obey and I sit down on the bed Indian style. She starts doing my makeup. "You know, Emma, I don't know why you want me to do this. You're beautiful."

"Thanks," I don't, Henry is psychotic. "Just something different, I guess."

"Alright. What do you want me to do with your hair?" I noticed that when I was looking through her pictures, more times than not it was braided.

"Can you do a side fishtail?"

"Of course I can. Left or right?"

"Whatever is better for you." It only took her about half an hour to finish. When she finished, it was 6:49.

"Alright honey, you're finished," Amber says.

"That was quick," I say as I stand up to look at myself.

"After being a stylist for seven years, you get practice in speed. Okay, I'm done. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait! Can you help me with an outfit?" I figured that since I'm new at this Emma life, I should have guidance on what looks good with her clothes. I open up her closet and luckily, I see clothes that aren't too different from the ones I would wear. Thank God.

"Oh, sure. Hm, let me look," Amber starts looking through Emma's closet.

I only get to keep what I came with. The clothes I get to keep, I'm wearing a ring, a necklace, and my earrings. But everything else I have to get out of Emma.

"This," Amber says and shoves a pair of short shorts and a violet floral shirt. I nod and change into it, and Amber leaves. I throw on a pair of her Converse, grab her phone, and walk out the door.

"Bye, Amber!" Martin says and I hear her leave. "Good morning, Em. Sleep well?"

"Yes, I did. Where's my father? I need to talk to him."

"He's in his office, you really shouldn't interrupt."

"It's urgent," I rush off to Henry's office. (After getting lost a few times.) I knock on his door.

"What?" He barks.

"It's Emma," I say.

"Come in," I walk into his office. He's sitting at a desk, with a shit load of paper work in front of him. "Yes, my dear?"

"How do you expect me find my way around school?"

"You have all your classes with friends, just follow them."

"Alright," I say and walk out his office. I put Emma's backpack on, and I follow Martin out the door. I'm sixteen, I have my drivers license. So does Emma. But, I am in Australia and it's different than how it would be in America. Martin always drives her, anyway.

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