Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Luke POV

How was my eighteenth birthday spent? Well, my eighteenth birthday was spent answering questions for obnoxious reporters and worrying.

I had such a fun time.

Not really.

I had about twenty-five interviews in an hour. Each with a different reporter, each for a different news station. One reporter was from Australia. (How did that happen?!)

Her interview was the most interesting. She asked about my love for Becca, and I admitted that I was indeed in love with my best friend.

I just hope she saw at least one.

"Luke, c'mon, let's go celebrate! It's your birthday! Let's go clubbing or something," Michael suggests.

"You dumb shit, is there a club around here anywhere? Besides, we're practically famous, everyone knows I'm only eighteen. I couldn't pull of a fake ID if I tried," I harshly respond.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted you to have a little fun on your birthday," He says. He sounds offended, so I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"No, I'm sorry. You're just trying to help, I understand. I shouldn't have been so harsh," I apologize.

"It's fine, buddy."

"How about we stay in? We can play Scrabble!" Brooks suggests. We were at her house. Her mother pity's us.

"Yeah, I guess Scrabble is okay," I say. We all trudge to the kitchen table. Brooke sets up the game and the pieces and we start.


"Meese is not a word, Calum!" Savannah yells.

"Yes it is!"

"No, the plural of moose is moose!"

"Well, if the plural of goose is geese, how come the plural of moose isn't meese?"

"I don't know, I didn't make the rules, I just know them! And I know meese isn't a word, so that doesn't count!"

"Oh, but your thrice is a word!"

"It is, it's just like twice and once but for three," Savannah argues. I'm laughing shitless over this. They're both competitive and determined to win.

For a moment, they actually made me forget about Becca.

"Uh-huh, sure, that's why no one uses it," Calum says.

"Well, stupid shits like you don't, but smart and intelligent people like me use it."

"That's why you failed chemistry last semester, right?"

"No, the teacher just hated me."

"You did almost blow up the school."

"It wasn't my fault! Jimmy-"

"-added the wrong chemical," We all say in unison. Savannah shy's down.

"So I've told the story a couple time," She says.

"Uh-huh," We say.

"Whatever," She scoffs.

"Alright, Jordan, it's your turn," Ashton says.

"Ugh, guys I'm getting tired of Scrabble," She whines.

"You just have a small vocabulary," I say.

"Shut up, you," She glares at me. "Can we play a card game?"

"I don't know, I'm kind of tired," Ashton says.

"What time is it?" I ask. Calum takes his phone out of his pocket.

"One in the morning," He says.

"Well, it's no longer Luke's birthday, no more celebrating," Michael says. "Brooke, can we sleep here?"

"I don't even care." We all make our way between her room and the living room to set up beds for each of us. We do this all the time.

After a couple trips, we get ourselves settled on our blanket and pillow made beds.

"Hey, guys, how do you think Becca is doing?" Michael randomly asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know. She's pretty strong. Do you think she could fight a grown man off?" Savannah - we call her Savvy sometimes - says.

"Obviously not, or she wouldn't have been forced into that car," Ashton says.

"How long has it been?"

"Six weeks," I answer.

"How much longer do you think this will go on for?"

"Eternity," Brooke sighs.

"God knows six weeks has felt like it," I mumble.

No one else makes a comment. We all fall in a somber sleep.


"Ahh, Luke, guess what?" My mother yells as I walk in the door, returning from Brooke's house. I see the Stine's sitting on the couch.

"Did someone give a tip to where Becca is? Do they have a lead?" I asks hopefully. I'm answered when my mother's face falls and her eyes turn sad.

"No, I'm sorry. But, search parties are starting to be made in Japan, Brazil, and Australia!"

"Wow, seriously? Do people really think she was taken that far? Like, Australia is far away," I say.

"Some people believe it. The police just called and told us. So far, no one has found anything suspicious." We walk into the living room where my love's family is sitting.

"Do you think she'll be found, or do you think she'll make her way back to us?" I ask them.

"I don't know. I do know that she's definitely not dead," Mr. Stine says.

"Why do you say that?" Jasmine asks.

"She's too smart to die like that. She knows how to nurse a wound, she knows how and where to attack a person, she knows what plants you can and can't eat. She knows what to do to survive. Wherever she is, she's alive," He explains.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I'm completely positive."

"I remember when I was first pregnant with you, Jasmine. Becca and your father were so sure you were a boy, but I had a gut feeling you were a girl. I knew it. And I know this, too. If my daughter was dead, I would get that same feeling, and I would know," Mrs. Stine says.

"You don't have that feeling, right?" I ask her.

"No, Luke, I do not have that gut feeling."


"How about you, Jas? Do you think your sister is alive?" My mom asks.

"I guess. I didn't see much of the man, but he kind of looked skinny. He couldn't be too hard to fight off," Jasmine answers.

We continue to talk about Becca and where she could possibly be. I get kind of sad talking about it, but that's the hardship in life. I miss her.

A/N: Luke be like where you at girl.

UPDATE! I'm listening to spotify.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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