Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Luke POV

"Oh, remember that time when-" Jordan starts to say, but Brooke cuts her off.

"Wait, where's Bec? Did we forget to invite her?" Brooke asks.

"No, I invited her myself," Savannah answers.

"Well, did she respond?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, she said she'd be here. I still have the conversation if you want proof."

"No, we don't need proof. Something probably just happened, I'll call her," I offer. After one ring she picks up.

"Luke!" Her sister, Jasmine, answers.

"Hi, Jas, is Becca there?"

"No, Luke, ugh, this hard. Okay, Luke," Jasmine heists before speaking, "she was kidnapped earlier."


"I was the only one there, and the only thing I saw was someone pushing her into a car."

"Did you see who did it?"

"No, I was focusing on her. She looked so terrified. I immediately called the cops, then my mom."

"Where were your parents?"

"It's Thursday, they were at work!"

"Are the police there?"

"Yeah, they came and started questioning me. I couldn't give them much information about who took her, but they sent out an Amber Alert based off of what I told them about her."

"I am coming there now."

"Alright, I'll see you soon, bye Luke."

"Bye, Jasmine," I say and hang up. I check my phone for the Amber Alert, and surely, it's there, "We need to go to Bec's house, now."

"What happened to her?" Ashton questions.

"She's been kidnapped."


After ten minutes of desperate driving, I arrive at Becca's house with my six friends crammed in the back. We practically dive out of the car and run into the house.

"Whoa, who are you guys?" An officer asks me.

"Those are Becca's friends," Her mother answers for us.

"Alright, would you mind if we questioned you?" We shake our heads, then we sit on the couch. We introduce ourselves before they start. "What grade are you guys in?"

"Uh, I just graduated, Luke, Brooke, Calum, and Michael are going into their senior year. Savannah and Jordan, are going into their junior year, so would Becca," Ashton says.

"Was she smart?"

"Yes, very smart, actually," Jordan says.

"Scary smart," I add.

"Is there anyone who could have been jealous of her because of her grades?"

"Practically the whole school," Savannah says. "But not enough to kidnap her, if that's what you're implying."

"How about a parent? Was there a parent of one of those kids who wanted their kid to be the best?"

"No, not that I know of. Everyone loved her," Calum says.

"Are you guys involved in anything dangerous? Drugs, gambling, gangs?"

"No, not at all," Michael says.

"If you're trying to protect each other-"

"Sir, trust me, they're good kids," Mrs. Stine interrupts.

"Alright, that's all. We'll keep you updated on her search, we promise," The officer says and walks away. The police leave and I'm left feeling heartbroken.

"I can't believe it. She's missing!" Mr. Stine says.

"It's obvious what we have to do now," Jasmine says.

"And what is that?" I ask her.

"Tell everyone. When someone is kidnapped, they're usually not taken far, right? If someone goes hunting, they might see her. Everyone has to know.

"How do you plan on doing that?"

Jasmine holds up her phone, "We have everything we need right here," We start texting and tweeting like crazy. "Oh, Dad! You work with the news paper! Can you right an article about it?"

"What is there to right about?"

"How unusual it is that there's no suspect, no evidence, and I'm the only witness, who barely saw anything."

"Honey, they only just started the investigation."

"Fine, if there's no new news in a month will you write about it?"

"Sure, but I can make sure it's briefly mentioned on the news show we have tomorrow."

"Yes! Thank you, Daddy!"

"No problem."

And just as promised, at the six o'clock show in the morning, and the one at eight o'clock at night, Becca's disappearance was mentioned the following day.

I really hope we find her soon.

A/N: poor lukey.

In case you're wondering, Becca is from PA. she's being taken to Australia. It's backwards, but it's needed.

UPDATE! I'm in a car.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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