Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Luke POV

We stayed in Burbank until the twenty-ninth. It's now the thirtieth. I just arrived home, and my mother is embracing me in a big hug.

"Luke, I'm so happy you're okay!" She yells. I hug back, but it's slightly difficult. She's crushing my arms.

"Yes, I am okay. People go to school to operate planes, you know that, right? It's not just a hobo off the street, the pilot went to school," I sassily tell her.

"Yes, son, I realize that. Don't sass me," She says, letting go of my delicate body.

"I wouldn't dare," I say, turning to my dad. "Hi, Dad. How have you been?" I hug him as well.

"I'm good. I'm guessing you didn't find anything," He says.

"No, we didn't, but that's okay. That's just one more spot she isn't. At least we have some idea," I say. I turn away from him and to Ben.

"Oh, I get it. If you can't find her, might as well eliminate the places she could be," Jack says as I go to hug him.

"Yeah. I have a few places checked off," I answer.

"Where?" My dad asks.

"Uh, here, in Kilotown, Sproutsburg," Sproutsburg is the town closest to Kilotown, "Clarkburg," That's just a random town near here, "A few others. And now Burbank."

"Oh, I heard about how Michael's speech went viral. It was a really good speech, he makes valid points," Jack says.

"Yeah, it's really cool. Jordan knocks on our door to tell us he's on the news. The reporters say that they support us, which is amazing," I tell them.

"So, random people in California support, what?" My mom says.

"Our search to find her. They think we can do it, they think us trying to find her and how we're doing it is good," I explain.

"That's good. How many other people do you think support you?" Ben asks.

"A lot, I've seen it," Jack answers. "They're going crazy over it. They have theories. Some people think she'll escape, some people think you'll find her, others believe the police will track her down."

"Yeah, what is the FBI even doing?" I ask.

"They're trying, honey, but with no witness, no evidence, it's hard," My mom says.

"Yeah, I guess," I say shyly. My father turns on the television and it's, of course, a news channel. He was about to switch it when I stop him.

"What?" He asks.

"Look at the bottom," I say. The I start to read, "Up next: A body found fifty miles from Becca Stine's house. Is it her body or another unfortunate girl?"

"All of our questions are about to be answered," Jack says.

"Maybe," I mumble. "Maybe not."


My mom decides to watch with the Stine's. So she quickly shoved us in a car and started speeding down the road.

I start thinking about the situation. Could it really be her? What if she really is dead?

As much as I would like my questions to be answered, I'm not quite ready to give up the fight yet.


We arrive at the house much faster than we normally would. Surprisedly, without a ticket. My family jumps out of the car, (I literally almost jumped) and race into the house. I quickly change the TV channel for them.

"What the hell is going on?" Mrs. Stine questions.

"The news," I answer. "Just watch it." The story comes on.

"A body has been found approximately fifty miles from the house of Becca Stine. Some believe this is the body of Becca. It is too decomposed to tell by pictures, so police have been bouncing off ideas. They suggest having the family and friends of Becca coming in to see if they could tell. Others suggest taking DNA of the body and compare it to the DNA of her parents. Now, Becca's friends just got home from Burbank, California. They were searching for her or evidence and came up short. Maybe that's because she was much closer to home than thought. What do you guys think? Tell us on Facebook at-" I switch off the television and stare at her family. We sit in silence until her father breaks it.

"They talked to us about that," Her dad says.

"Why didn't you call us?" I ask. "I don't like hearing about stuff from a reporter on TV. I would much rather have you guys tell me."

"I know, but we wanted to give you a chance to rest. You just got home. And we were planning on telling the entire group at once. Bringing in the entire party, and spitting it out. All at once," Her mother explains.

"Alright, so when is that day coming?"

"Soon, I promise."


Mrs. Stine has always been a people pleaser and a promise keeper. That's tested and proved on the very next day when she has my family, her family, my friends and their families all gather in her living room.

"Some runners have found a body fifty miles from here. There's a good chance it could be Becca. The body is too decomposed to tell by her face, so they're going to drag us - and by us, I mean my family, Luke, Ashton, all you guys - to the morgue. We're going to look at the girl and decide if the girl is it is not Becca. Now, what we say doesn't really matter because they're going to do a DNA test either way. If needed be, they're going use Jasmine's DNA as well. I felt like I should get you to speed," She tells us all. "Are there any questions?"

"Yeah, when's the day this all happens?" Jordan asks.

"I think they told me the third at two. Is that good with everyone?" We all nod our heads. "Now, I know it's going to be hard looking at a body and deciding if it's the a girl that means a lot to you. But if she is dead, if the girl is her, then we have our questions answered. We can settle in the thought of knowing where she is."

"What if it's not her, though?" Savannah asks.

"Then we keep looking. Michael said it himself, she's somewhere," Calum says.

We don't talk much after that. We just sit here, and think.

The worst possible thing that could happen is her being killed and her body being dumped. Then no one finds her and her busy decomposes to the point where she's nothing but bones and a memory. Then, we really won't find her. Ever.

But I doubt that. We'll get here, we will.

A/N: positivity is key.

It's Ashton's birthday tomorrow, but where he it's the seventh, which is his birthday. SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH!!

UPDATE! It's almost 5.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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