Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Becca POV

So, apparently, my friends went to Burbank. They were on a searching trip for me, I think. Obviously, they didn't find me. I'm in Perth, Australia. But they're trying, ya know? They're not using losing hope, they're not giving up. They're doing it. They're running towards their goal. They're searching, they're making people aware of my disappearance, they're keeping it on the news.

But what really made me happy was Michael's rant speech thing in the airport. He said that they would never give up. That one day, they will find me. That they know I'm not dead. They know I can escape, or they'll find me. They know. And they won't give up until I'm back home again. That gives me hope to get out of here. It makes me believe I can do it. I now know I'll see my loved ones again. There's no doubt in my head. So, I give a thanks to Michael. I really needed that, Mikey.

There's also a body people believe is mine.

The rumors are false. That body is not mine. (Duh.)

My parents, Jasmine, and my friends are all going to the morgue tomorrow to look at the body. They're going to decide wether or not the body is indeed mine. Then they're going to do a DNA test with the body and my parents. So, their decision doesn't really matter, but the decision will be made anyway.

If they get the answer wrong and say the body is mine I'm going to scream. For one, it's not me and they'd make this harder for me. Two, I've seen a picture of the body. You can clearly tell the hips are wider than mine are. The face is longer, the eyes are farther apart, and the feet are bigger.

Like, I realize those are details they might not be able to notice, but if Luke is really in love with me, I think he can pull through. Plus, my parents have seen me everyday since I've been born. Which is sixteen years, so that's a long time.

I think they can do it. They know me pretty well. There are things that I either always do, it can't rid of; I have piercings, I always wear the same jewelry, I keep my nails short. I've been friends with these guys for a while, I've known my parents my whole life. And Jasmine is very close to me.

Well, enough with them. Let's discuss what's new with me.

Chase has been very touchy since we kissed. We've twice since then and Teresa and Cass were there to see one of them. Now, I can't swing a dead cat without running into one of the girls talking about it.

Mark and Cassie are getting more comfortable, too. They've been talking more, touching each other more. I can seriously feel something happening.

Henry has been constantly raping me. It's tortuous, it's terrible, I hate it, and it's getting worse.

Amber has been more protective of me. She always makes sure I'm okay when she leaves, and she's taking longer. Her questions are always very careful and cautious. She's making sure I'm not upset about all this. I am, but I'm okay.

I was kidnapped June 4.
It's now August 2.
That's almost two months.

I don't know if I can continue doing this; lying, acting, shamelessly flirting, being raped. Emma seemed like a great person, but I don't want to do it. I don't want to do this anymore.

But I can't turn myself in. I need a plan and a perfect time. So far, neither has happened.

I also have to stay strong. Luke is okay, my other friends are okay, my family is okay. They're hurting, but I wouldn't expect anything less. They believe in me, I have to believe in them as well. I can't die. I won't let him kill me. It's not happening. I will pull the bullet out of my own skin if needed be.

Dying would be letting everyone down. They have a group of people following them. A whole group who are on their side. And there's a lot of them. If I die, I would a disgrace to basically the whole world. Well, not the entire world. But a lot of people on it.

If I die, Henry will only go out and kidnap another girl. He'll do to them what he's doing to me. And then he'll kill them off, too. It'll repeat, one after the other after the other. I won't let that happen to any other girls. I won't give Henry the satisfaction of knowing - or thinking - that he's superior. He may be a douche and have me in custody, but I have Luke. And Luke has an army.

The media is going crazy over this story. There's theories, stories, beliefs. Some people think it's an act of the government (which is absolutely ridiculous). Some people think I ran away, and faked my kidnapping (which is just as ridiculous as the government theory). The news channel my dad works for has gained millions of viewers. Everyone is watching it! It was originally just for the east coast of America, but now it's been spread everywhere. I get the channel. I watch it everyday. It really feels nice to see my dad on the television and know he's okay.

Speaking of my dad, I seriously miss my family. I never realized now cheerful Jasmine's laugh until I haven't heard it for two months. I never realized how sweet my mother's smile was until I don't see it for a while. I never knew how much I appreciated Michael's sexual jokes until I don't get told them. I never realized how much Jordan cares until I don't get her love. I knew realized how much I meant to Savannah until she cried on live television. I never knew how much I loved Luke's eyes until I can't swim in them.

I never knew. I never knew. But know I do, and I can't do anything about it.

A/N: so it's been like seven thousand years and I'm sorry. I've had a no-phone-camp for a week and then a terrible-Internet-and-reception mission trip for a week. So there's that.

But, band camp starts in a week but at least I'll have a little time to write.

UPDATE! I'm on my way to one Grammy for dessert to celebrate granddaddy birthday then to other Grammy for dinner.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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