Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Becca POV

"For fuck's sake, what the hell is in this damn box. Is it a million pounds of fourteen carat gold, or a small child?" I ask Martin.

It was the sixteenth. Emma's birthday. She would have turned seventeen today. I, of course, have to act as Emma do to 'certain circumstances'. So, I'm sitting in a circle filled with Emma's friends, her dad, Martin, and Amber.

"Dear God, child, stop cursing so much," Henry says.

"Says the man who literally curses like a sailor in a storm," I say, as I open the box. Inside was a couple of books. Both by John Green. "You didn't." I say, with a sound of excitement in my voice. In actuality, I've read them both.

"I did," Martin says, looking smug.

"Thank you, Martin. I love them," I say. I move on to the next present, it's from Henry. Eye roll.

I cut to the chase and open it. He got me a pair of red Vans.

"Thanks, Dad," I say, picking up the next present. It's from Amber. I give Amber a look. I know she doesn't want to be here, but she is so I could feel better. So I won't be in so much of a cage of lies.

Amber got me - or Emma I guess - a hair straighter. "Aw, thanks, Amber," I say.

"Well, as your personal makeup/hair stylist I figured it matched," Amber explains.

"It does, I love it," I say.

"Open mine next," Teresa eagerly tells me.

"How about I start with the people next to me, Chase and Cassie, then work my way out?" I suggest.

"But I want to go next," Teresa complains.

"And I want to go last," Chase says.

"Alright, fine. Then I'll open Teresa's next." She smiles and hands me her gift. I open it to see a belly button ring. It's half a heart saying 'Be Bit'. I look at her questionably. "Okay, I'm guessing someone has the other half of this and it doesn't just say be bit." Teresa stands up, lifting her shirt. She's wearing the other half. It says 'St Ches'. "Oh my God, when did you your belly button pierced?"

"This morning! It took months to convince my parents to sign for me, but they eventually did. We're matching!" Teresa squeals.

"I'm changing it right now!" I say, standing, pulling out my first belly ring.

"Please don't put a piece of metal through your belly button in front of us," Mark says. I look at him, and poke it through. "Oh God that was gross."

"Ah! We're the best bitches!" Teresa exclaims. I laugh and sit back down.

"So how many piercings do you have?" Cassie asks.

"Um, three on my earlobe each ear, three cartilage, nose, and belly button. So eleven," I say.

"Okay! Presents! Here, Emma," Mark says, handing me a box. I smile at him and open it. Inside is a rolled up poster of the five of us. It was about two weeks ago, so in the picture is actually me. In the picture, we're standing in the middle of the street since Mark's street is pretty lifeless. It doesn't look like we new a picture was being taken. I was on Chase's back, hugging him. Cassie and Teresa and Mark were laughing about something on the ground. Chase and I were laughing about it, too. It's a great picture.

He obviously got someone to blow up the picture and make it look like a poster.

"Aw, Mark, I love it. It's so beautiful," I say, staring at it admirably. "You did a great job."

"Thank you," He says. Up next is Cassie , who hands me a bag. I take all the tissue paper out and see a pair of headphones.

"Because you love your music," she says.

"Thank you," I say, giving her a side hug. "Last and not least, Chase." I turn to him. He hands me an envelope. I open it, to see the best thing ever.

Two tickets to see Fall Out Boy for November 3.

I know Emma is a huge fan of FOB, but so am I and I'm literally dying.

"Oh my God, Chase! I can't believe you did this! This is amazing! Oh my God!" I can't stop smiling. I hug him after hopping on his lap.

"Hey, look at the seats," He says. I let go of him and look at the seats. They're right in front, three rows back, which causes me to go into another fit of screams. I hug him again, tighter then last.

"Ugh, Chase, this is the best gift anyone  has ever given me, thank you," I tell him.

"You're welcome. And I'm happy you enjoy it," Chase says, smiling at me.

"Alright, cake!" Martin yells, rushing off to the kitchen to get some cake. Everyone follows him, besides Amber and me. Amber comes and sits next to me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Alright, I guess," I say, shrugging.

"Becca," she whispers, "I know you never feel alright. I know that you always feel terrible and lonely. It's just a matter of how much."

"I've learned in my time being here, that I am an amazing actress. So, no, I don't feel alright. I feel better than I usually would on any other day. It's still terrible. But you will never see me act like it is. Thank you, Amber, for your concern," I whisper back. At that time, Chase walks back with two plates in his hand.

"Oh, I just getting up to myself some cake," I say as he hands me one.

"It's no problem." He sits down next to me and kisses my temple.

"Alright I guess I'll go get some cake," Amber says.

"Nope, I got it," Martin says, walking back into the living room. One after the other, everyone comes back. Eventually, we're all sitting in the living room with some cake.

"Emma, how was your birthday?" Martin asks me.

"It was really great, thank you guys for everything," I answer, smiling.

I just hope my real birthday is good.

A/N: four score and seven years ago was my last update.

I'm really sorry guys. School just started, Netflix happened, and everything has just been really busy.

UPDATE! The first football game is this Friday and I'm very excited.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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