Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Becca POV

Ever hear the phrase "Loving my life as a new person"?

Most of the time when people say that, they mean their new body, or that they're acting nicer, or getting their life together. They're not actually a new person.

Well, I am. I used to be Becca, and now, (in everyone's mind) I'm Emma. And I am not loving my new life.

It is still the first full day of being here, June 5th. It's around ten, and I'm in Henry's bedroom.

Yes, Henry's.

Isn't it great news that Henry isn't going to change how he treats his daughter, even though I'm not his daughter.

I haven't confronted Henry that I know about his abusive ways. I figured, what's the point? He'll do it to me, he'll know I know. It's pointless, so I kept it under the rug.

"Emma, how was school?" Henry asks, slowly walking towards me. He's holding a bandana, probably to put it over my mouth so Martin doesn't hear, just like Emma wrote in her diary.

At the same time, I'm slowly backing away from him. "It-it was fine," I stutter. I back up into a wall, and Henry stands over me with hands on both sides. I quickly duck under his arm. "I have homework," I mutter, but Henry doesn't let me leave.

"Not happening," He puts the bandana over my mouth, and uses a tie to tie my hands together. Then he throws me down on the bed. "This'll be quick, I promise."

He starts removing clothing and I whimper. I struggle, I try to speak. He's holding me down, I can't do anything.

I try to scream, but it's all muffled by the bandana. I can't scream. I can't scream. I can't scream! No, screaming is always my best defense! Sure, you could fight back, but I'm a small, 16 year old girl. I've never been attacked before, but I know for sure I would immediately go to scream. If I can't scream, how can I stop this?

I can't scream!

I keep trying, I'm pushing my vocal chords to their fullest extent, but nothing is loud enough to get me any help.

I scream in my mind.

Help me! Someone, please! Get me away from this sociopathic perverted rapist!


Help me.

After the longest minutes of my life, Henry is finished, and he unties me. I quickly scramble to put my clothes back on and I run out of the room without a word. I sprint to Emma's bedroom and I pick out pajamas and I go to shower. I showered earlier, but now I feel dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty. I can still feel his disgusting touch on me and I hate that.

I take a shower, get rid of the last stubborn make up. I wash over myself maybe three times until I feel better. I take out my contacts after putting on my pajamas and I walk into my bedroom and Martin is sitting on my bed. I gasp and rip my glasses off.

"Emma, hi, sorry to intrude. I saw that you practically sprinted up to your room, you looked like you were gonna cry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Martin explains.

"It's fine, you're not intruding. It's fine, I'm fine," I say. Martin can't see me like this. I look like Becca, and not the Emma he's used to. I don't look at him, instead I just stare at the floor.

"Are you sure? You aren't looking at me," Martin insists.

"Yep, I'm fine. You can go to bed now, you must be exhausted," I say, trying to get rid of him.

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