Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Luke POV

We arrived in Burbank later that day. We were immediately greeted by the lady in charge of the youth group.

It only takes us about twenty minutes to get to the hotel. We're staying in two different rooms; girls in one, boys in the other.

It's about ten now, everyone has settled in in their bedroom. The guys and I are watching a movie.

There's a loud knock on the door and I hear Jordan yelling. "Open up, you have to see this!" She yells. I send a confused look to Mike who shrugs. He tells me to open it, and I do. "Hurry up! Michael your speech is on the news!" She announces. That automatically sends us onto our feet. We rush to the girls' room, where Savvy and Brooke are huddled around the TV.

"We have to keep our sprits high, and our negativity low," Michael says on the television. I stare at the screen with two emotions flowing through me: amazement and shock. Amazed we got in the news that fast. It literally happened this morning. Shocked because they think a speech about our race to find our friend made in an airport by a high school student is important enough to be on the news this quickly. We're not announcing something super important about the investigation. Michael is saying he believes we'll get her back one day. But to them, this speech is important. Either everyone is rooting for us and Becca, or they've run out of stories.

"But there's also a damn lot of people, and if everyone knows about her, someone will find her. Anyone. We will get her back," TV Michael finishes. The video continues until the end of the chant. Then it goes back to the reporter.

"Well, Michelle, what do you think about Mr. Clifford's speech?" The reporter asks his partner.

'Michelle' looks at the camera before speaking. "I think it's amazing how this girls' family and friends can still have such high hopes about this investigation. They have nothing to go on, and they believe they'll find her. It's great how determined they are. That will get her back. Persistence, determination, and belief. They have to keep trying. It's great," She says.

"I agree with you. What Michael said was very correct. There's a lot of people on the world, and basically everyone knows about Becca. If she's alive, which we have every reason to believe, someone, somewhere will know something. Kidnappers usually do not have a perfect plan. I'm positive she's still alive, and that we will eventually find her."

"Alright, well, good luck to her family. Now we have a fire in the town: accident, or arson?" Savvy switches off the television as we stand there in silence.

It's amazing. People believe we can do it.

After about a few minutes, Calum speaks up. "They support us," He says.

"Yes, they do," I say. "Which is astonishing, really, since they don't have a personal connection to the story."

"If they support us, how many other people do you think support us? Like, after a while the nothingness of the investigation will drive them away, right?"

"Or draw them closer. You can't say anything on her well being and have evidence to back it up, because there is no evidence. The lack of evidence will make people come up with theories. If we, the people who knew her best, say we can get her back because she's too smart to die, they'll believe us," Brooke says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Ashton shrugs.

"This is so exciting! People actually believe we can do it!" Savvy happily yells.

We celebrate for a few minutes before Ashton decides he's tired and goes to bed. We follow him in that decision and go to bed.


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