Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Becca POV

It's my seventeenth birthday. It's September 5. Obviously, no one remembers. Not here, at least, in Perth, but in my home town it's a different story. It's a Saturday, so apparently, the whole town is throwing a party. I've never had a party that large. The population of the town is about five thousand. I don't even know five thousand people.

Anyway, for me, it's pretty miserable for me. I keep hearing these stories of Becca, of me, but I keep remembering that I'm supposed to be Emma and I can't do anything I about it.

Amber wished me a happy birthday, though. That was sweet. She bought me a real gift. It's a photo of everyone I hold dear. My parents, my sister, my friends, Luke. I almost cried.

But, there will be no celebration here in Perth. It's quite depressing, really.

Anyways, I'm at Cassie's house with Teresa, Mark, and Chase. We were just scrolling through Instagram and the entire feed is of birthday wishes to me. There was one photo, though, with a link in the comment section to a video of Luke. A news report, obviously.

We're currently watching it.

"Luke, today is Becca's seventeen birthday! How do you feel right now?" The news reporter asks.

"Well, there's the obvious answer of sad. I've spent many birthday of hers with her. Now, today, she's not here, and we don't even know if she's seventeen or will forever be sixteen. But, with the knowledge that we have the support of the town and of the thousands of people who have wished Becca a happy birthday, I don't feel too bad," he logically answers.

"How many birthday wishes have you seen?"

"Thousands, literally! I wasn't exaggerating. I've seen them on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook. I've seen news stories on the party and the reporters wish it. Thousands."

"Well, you can add me to that list. Happy birthday, Becca. Wherever you may be," the reporter finishes and the video ends. So my friends can't see my tears, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

While in there, I wipe my cheeks off. I make myself look normal again and put on a happy face. I wait until the redness in my eyes goes away. After that is all done and I look normal and like Emma, I walk back out. I say hi to them just as I normally would. They just act like normal, completely oblivious to the fact that I was just crying for my lost birthday in the bathroom.

"I feel bad for that poor girl," Chase says.

"I totally agree. I just wonder what she's thinking right now. Like, about this situation."

Oh, you're closer than you think.

"What I really wonder, though, is what are her friends thinking? Like, how do they honestly feel about this? Especially Luke, since he basically loves her," Cassie wonders.

You and me both, Cass.

"Basically? He does love her," I say. after realizing what I've just said, I play it off by smiling. Although, I've forgotten that I'm Emma in this situation and that her friends will just go along with it.

"Okay, yeah. There's no basically about it," she says, shrugging. "But do you think he's totally depressed?"

Teresa nods her head. "I read this article about it, Luke was diagnosed with depression a couple weeks after she went missing," she explains. A lump forms in my throat. I didn't know that.

"Really?" I ask. Teresa nods her head.

"Yeah, but his mother doesn't want to but him on antidepressants. She wants him to try to work through it and have faith in the fact that they'll find her. I agree with her, he should have faith, but I think on top of that, he needs antidepressants."

"We should call them over and have a searching party with them!" Cassie yells, with a bright smile on her face.

"No way!" Mark yells.

"Why not?"

"One, there's not a chance that she's in Australia. Two, we would have to pay for their tickets. Three, school has just started for them and will be ending for us soon. It's just not practical," he explains.

"I think it's a great idea," I tell her. I mean, I could see my friends, I could talk to Luke, and I could finally reveal who I actually am! I could just pull Luke aside and wipe off my makeup. Maybe take a few of these piercings out. Show him my ring and birthmark. Talk in my normal voice. I could make him believe that it's actually me! He would be so happy! We would have a wonderful reunion between all of us and I could go home!

But, as Mark said. It's just not practical. It's upsetting. The only thing I ever do is get my hopes up. For nothing, that is. I can't go home, not yet. I wouldn't want to risk Ambers life like that.

I sigh as I listen to the news go on and on about my birthday. They're acting like I'm dead. Of course, they don't know if I am or not, but they don't have any proof for either side of the argument. It's all based off of luck and good judgement.

And, I suppose, people don't have very good judgment.

A/N: hi.

Tomorrow is thanksgiving so happy that to those of you celebrate.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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