Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Becca POV

Chase has been taking quite a liking to Emma recently. More than when I originally came here. He's been awful touchy lately, always holding my hand. He'll gradually scoot closer to me when we're sitting next to each other. He doesn't think I realize it, but I do. He'll flirt to day's end and not so stubbly either.

He's asked me on a date. Well, not me, but Emma. I couldn't say no even though I really don't want to go on this date. Emma would want to, so Emma will. It's not like I don't like Chase, because I do. It's just that I don't feel about him that way. I'm in love with Luke, I don't want to go on a date with someone else!

However, he can't know that. So, I said yes. He's picking me up at eight. Speaking of that, it's seven and should really start getting ready.

After I shower and my hair is dry (enough), I have Martin French Dutch braid it. It's confused on its nationality, but it looks pretty. Apparently, when Emma was eight, she taught Martin how to do a bunch of different kinds of braids. As he's braiding my hair, he's asking me about the date.

"What are his plans with you?" He asks.

"I'm not sure," I say. "But he told me not to eat dinner so I assume dinner."

"Where is he taking you?"

"I don't know."

"How long will you be out?"

"I don't know."

"What are you good for?"

"Nothing," I say, standing up because he's finished.

"Do you know anything?"

"I know that he's supposed to be here in twenty minutes and I'm still not dressed. I'll be in my room. Thanks, Martin," I say as I run to her room. I sift through the closet for a couple minutes before deciding on an outfit I think would be cute. It's kinda nice, actually, going on a date with someone you don't have feelings for. I don't have to worry about looking exceptionally nice to impress him, but he likes me so I know that whatever I wear he'll think I look lovely.

So I throw on the outfit and do a few touch ups on the make up from Amber this morning. I hear Martin calling for me from downstairs, so I guess that's my cue. When I step out of the door, I can see Chase at my door. As I walk closer, I say, "You're early."

"I couldn't wait a single minute longer. You look stunning, Emma," he says, handing me a rose. I smile and sniff it.

"Thank you, Chase. You look great, too," I tell him, turning to Martin. "Will you please be a doll and put in a vase?"

"Of course," he says, taking the rose. "Have fun, you two."

"Thanks, Martin," I say, taking the arm Chase was offering me. "Where to?"

"Well, my car for now," he responds.

"And then where?"

"I guess you'll have to see, won't you?" Chase says, smirking and holding the passenger door open for me. "M'lady," he gestures for me to get in the car, which I do.

It's about a fifteen minute ride. Chase pulls up to a huge field of wild flowers. It's quite gorgeous, really. There's dancing roses and lilies everywhere, moving to the beat of the wind, following the spotlight casted by the moon. The fireflies light up all around us, like a flying string of Christmas lights.

I smirk, "So a tree branch and meadows, I can see you like nature."

"Uh, yeah? You knew that didn't, you?" He responds, taking a blanket out of the back of his car. He grabs my hand and leads me through the field.

I hesitate, "Yes, of course. It's just- um, proof. That's all."

"Have you ever been on a picnic, love?" Chase asks me.

"I pity those who have not," I answer.

"Well, about a year I was on a hike. I took a wrong turn and I found myself here. After I found my way home, I researched this place. Apparently, no one owns it. There was an owner, once, who owned this land, but he died a couple years back. So, I kept coming back. I thought it was beautiful. And on this beautiful piece of land, is my favorite place to think," as Chase is speaking to me, he presses a button. The button triggers a bunch of lights to the right of me to turn on. They're wrapped around  a gazebo about fifty yards from us.

Chase turns to me and smiles. "After you, darling." I walk towards the gazebo with Chase following quickly behind.

"This place is amazing. It's absolutely stunning," I tell him.

"I know," he says, as we get to the gazebo. After Chase lays down the blanket, we sit across from each other. "I remember you telling me once that you like egg salad, is that still valid?"

"It is," I tell him. "Unless you have seafood in that basket, then I prefer the seafood."

"Sorry, Emma. I just didn't think two lobsters with everything else in there would fit, it's not a big basket, you know."

I smile, "It's okay, I like egg salad, too." After he's finished putting my meal of egg salad, strawberries and homemade brownies on my plate, I start talking. "It's so weird junior year finishes next week."

I mean, my junior year was supposed to start in August, but you know.

"Right? I can't believe that in a week, I'll be a senior. I'm getting so old I'm starting to die."

"A long, torturous week of finals," I mention.

"Right, I forgot I won't be a senior because that'll kill me first," he jokes, taking a bite of his sandwich. I laugh, taking a bite of mine. There's a slight silence, where all we hear is the sound of dancing flowers and flickering bugs. However, Chase doesn't seem like the type to like silence much, so it doesn't last long. "You know, this place is really special to me."

"It seems like it. If I found a place like this, I'd only show to a select few. That way, I can have it all for myself and those close to me," I tell him.

"Yes, that was my thinking, as well. So you must know that you must mean a lot to me for me to show you this," he says.

"You mean a lot to me, too."

"Emma, I just wanted tell you that I really like you. I was just, wondering, if maybe, you would like to go out with me? Like, be my girlfriend?" He asks, all nervous looking.

Oh, shit. God, I don't want to say yes because he's a really nice guy and I don't want to play him. At the same time, I can't say no, because Emma would say yes. I would get all kinds of hell from Henry if I say no. Okay, just make a decision. And be quick. And don't let him know you're questioning it. And make the right decision. Now!

"I would love to," I tell him. He smiles and kisses me.

Ugh! This has just gotten ten times worse.

A/N: so I've been busy.

Hope you enjoyed!

See you next update!

Bailey xx

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