Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Becca POV

"Becca, wake up," Amber whispers as she lightly shakes me. I groan and roll over.

"Five more minutes," I say.

"Bec, we can't wait five more minutes," Amber says. "Why are you so tired? You're usually so awake."

"I didn't fall asleep until two in the morning," I say, pushing myself up.

"Why?" I walk to the bathroom to put in my blue contacts.

"Henry was going to," I pause for a second, "abuse me last night so I told him I was going to Cassie's house. Then I hung out with Chase until one thirty."

"How did that go?" Amber asks as I walk back to the bed.

"He kissed me," I say. She stops putting the cosmetics on my face.


"He took me to his thinking spot, he told me his parents are getting a divorce, I comforted him, then he kissed me. Then we went back home and he helped me sneak back in. He kissed me when I was on the roof."

"What about Luke?" She continues to make me like Emma.

"What else am I supposed to do? I can't not act Emma because of Luke. I'll get killed! Henry told to do what Emma would. Emma likes Chase. I feel terrible, but I have to do it," I say.

"Yeah, I guess. I feel so bad for you. You have to act like this, pretend to like Chase."

"It's not your fault."

"I know, I still feel bad though. So, why are his parents getting a divorce?"

"He told me they can't agree, they're always arguing. Usually about him, he said."

"And why are you telling me?"

"Because you're the only person who knows anything about who I am. I'm telling you everything," I say.

"I guess so. It's probably not good for you to keep everything to yourself," Amber says. I nod my head in agreement.

It takes her about fifteen minutes to finish me up. We walk downstairs together.

"Goodbye, Amber!" Henry yells as she leaves. She waves back, then leaves. Henry whispers in my ear. "Don't ever do that again."

I shudder, then nod. I quickly follow Martin out the door and into the car.


"Oh my God, Em, look that this baby!" Teresa exclaims at the lunch table. The shows me the cutest picture of a baby in a tiger onesie on her phone, then shows Cassie.

"Aw, he's so adorable," I say, putting a piece of fruit in my mouth. At that time, Chase and Mark come and sit with us. Chase swings his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"I feel like I haven't seen you all day," Chase says.

Yeah, because I've been avoiding you.

"I know, it's been so long," I play along. Then I yawn. I've been yawning all day. I'm so tired. "Ugh, I'm so tired." Life tip: don't hang out with your friend until one thirty on a school day.

"Me too, I wonder why," Chade sarcastically says.

"You didn't have to agree," I mumble.

"Will someone explain what's happening? You two are usually so alive," Mark says.

"I didn't fall asleep until two because I was hanging out with Chase," I explain.


"I don't know, I was bored and I wasn't tired," I say, shrugging.

"My mom made me brownies. She makes the best brownies," Chase says.

"Can you give me a little bite?" I'm trying to make this whole thing nonchalant, but really I'm dying. I feel so bad.

Chase feeds me a small bite of the brownie. I nod my head to say thanks, and the girls look at us like we have three heads. Mark just sits there, smirking. He must know what is happening.

"Seriously, what the hell is going on?" Teresa repeats. Chase nods to Mark, who then proceeds to whisper in Teresa's ear as Cassie listens. Their jaws drop.

"What? He kissed you and you didn't tell us?" Cassie whisper-yells.

"I was planning on it!" I say in the same tone.

"When?" Teresa asks and I just shrug. I put a French fry in my mouth.

"Does your father know?" Cassie asks.

"Why would I tell my father?"

"I don't know, don't you tell him everything?"

"I tell Amber and Martin everything, not my dad."

"Who's Amber again?" Chase asks.

The person who knows everything about my life right now. "The girl who puts me together in the morning."

"You have a personal putter-togetherer?"

"Of course! You don't think I winged my eyeliner, did you? No, she did it. She's amazing."

"It amazes me how rich you are," Mark says.

"I'm not that rich," I say, shrugging.

Are you kidding me? Yes, Emma was loaded! Her father has a person assistant, a maid. He has the money to hire a personal designer for his 'daughter'! The house has a cinema room, a giant pool in the house, the game room! Not that rich my ass.

"Um, yes, you are," Teresa scoffs.

"But you're not snobby. The money doesn't get to your head, and that's nice," Cassie says, smiling. I nod and finish eating my lunch.

"So, my dearest friends, how about we watch a movie? I'll pay," Chase offers.

"We just got done discussing the money I have, and you're offering to pay? No way, I'll pay," I decline.

"Exactly, beautiful. We got done discussing it. I'm paying, and nothing you could say will change that," Chase says, looking proud of himself.


After school, just as planned, Chase is taking us to the movies. Halfway through, it starts pouring.

Shit shit shit. What am I going to do? My makeup will run! They'll see me going from Emma to Becca! I can't have that!

Oh wait, Henry assured me that the makeup wouldn't come off I use that 'special substance' or whatever. It won't run.

As I step out the car, I still put my head down and walk quickly to avoid the water. I get to the sidewalk and lift my head back up. I'm safe now, under a roof.

"Oh, Emma, your makeup is running a bit," Cassie says.


"Nothing a little redo makeup can't fix," She calmly says. She takes out a brush and a small bit of blush or bronzer or whatever to fix it. She smiles once she's finished. "Good as new." Then I follow her into the building.

Chase lazily throws an arm around my shoulder.

Why is it that we kiss once and now he's all touchy? It was one kiss, man, bug off.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course," I shrug.

Honestly, after being in Perth for seven weeks, these guys are growing on me. I consider them my friends. I'm sure I'm not their friend, because according to them my whereabouts are a mystery. But to me, they are my friends.


UPDATE! It's like 12:30 in the morning. #oops.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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