Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Becca POV

On the seventeenth of July, Amber walks through the bedroom door like usual. Expect, this time she looks like she's just seen a ghost.

"Amber, are you okay?" I ask her worriedly.

"You look just like Becca Stine. That girl who was kidnapped from her front porch in Pennsylvania six weeks ago. You actually look exactly like her, it's amazing," Amber explains.

Shit shit shit shit.

"That's weird," I say, trying to swallow my nerves.

"Nobody has ever told you you look like Becca?"

"No, you contour my face. They don't see me."

"That's another thing. Your father hired me for this job six weeks ago. The day after Becca was kidnapped." This is it, she knows. She's going to tell Henry, he'll get pissed, he'll blame it on me and not his weak plan, I'm going to die. I'll never see my family again, I'll never tell Luke I love him. I can't believe this is happening.

"What a coincidence," I nervously laugh.

"Yeah, but you see, Emma? Sometimes coincidences are extremely sketchy. This coincidence is too coincidental. It's too close. I don't believe it's a coincidental."

"I don't know what you want me to tell you, Amber." She sighs and let's it go.

The following day, Amber comes in. After shutting the door, she immediately rushes up to me and hugs me.

"Becca, Becca, I know it's you, you don't need to keep up the act around me, Henry told me everything," She cries.

"He told you?" I ask, surprised that he actually told her.

"Yeah, he overheard me talking to you yesterday. He was afraid that I would go to the police and tell them about you," She explains. She starts putting on the usual make up.

"No way," I say. "Wait, he threatened you, didn't he? He wouldn't have just let you off without a threat. Hell, me threatened me."

"Yeah, he said that if I told someone, he would kill me."

"Oh, Amber, I'm sorry he threatened you," I apologize.

"You're sorry? Bec, I'm helping him with his plan!"

"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as helping me survive. You don't do this, I die," I say. If I change the perspective, hoping she feels better about the situation.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," She says. I nod. "So, I'm the only one besides you and Henry who knows, right?"

"Right. No one else knows," I say.

"It's so weird. People think you're locked up in a box somewhere. But in reality, you're roaming free as another person."

"I think this is worse."


"Yeah. I have to watch as my story gets bigger. I have to watch my friends and family cry on television. I have to hide that I'm miserable. I have to lie to everyone."

"Don't think of it as lying. Think of it as surviving," She does the same I did. I smile at her.

"I'm trying, but it's so hard."

"If I try to look at the bright side, then so do you. Deal?"

"Deal." We shake on it. She starts on my hair.

"So, this Luke guy," Amber says and I blush.

"He's my best friend," I say.

"Best friend? Did you see the news on the sixteenth?"

"Yeah, I watched it. It was his birthday."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But, Becca, he loves you! I think you're more than friends," Amber suggests.

"I wish we were. There's only the problem that he doesn't know if I'm alive," I say.

"Do you love him?"

"More than life," I answer. It was true. I loved Luke more and more by each depressing day. "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be so determined to get home."

"What do you love about him?"

"Ugh everything," I continue to tell Amber about everything was absolutely perfect about him. His long legs, gorgeous blonde hair, sea-blue eyes. His laugh makes my heart smile, his sense of humor is amazing.

He's just the best person to ever walk the planet and he's not here.

"I was in love like that once," Amber smiles as she finishes off the French braid she was doing to my hair.

"Really? What was his name?"

"Tyler. I was in my first year of college and so was he. He made me smile just by being there. We dated for about seven months. Then, one day, he decided to go to a frat party. His crazy ex-girlfriend was there. She slipped him a drug repetitively for revenge. She wanted to humiliate him. He ended up passing out due to an OD. They called the police. The doctors never could save him. He was a DOA. I didn't date for the rest of college."

"I'm sorry, Amber."

"Me too. I got the last thing he said to me tattooed," Amber says. She lifts up her shirt so I can see her side. There, in cursive writing, it says 'I'll be back before too long. I love you.' I shyly smile.

"Was she arrested?"

"Yeah, but I still loved him."

"That's heartbreaking," I say.

"Don't let me scare you, Becca. You and Luke will never end up like Tyler and I did. You're going to get yourself out of here, I promise," Amber says.

"Thank you, Amber."

"No problem." She pulls out clothes and tosses them at me. "Wear these. Goodbye, Becca." She hugs me then leaves. As I change into the three-quarters baseball style Fall Out Boy shirt and blue shorts, I look into the mirror. I see a different girl. I see a girl who is popular in school and lives with her sexually abusive father. I don't see the girl who had been stolen from her life.

I don't see the girl Luke loves.

"God, help me get through this. I don't know if Amber knowing will make this easier or harder, but whichever one it is, help me," I pray. Then I look away from the mirror. I sigh and get on with the day.

A/N: okayyy so Amber knows.

UPDATE! Bad weather is expected.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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