Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Becca POV

This Wednesday is the worst Wednesday I will ever experience.

Henry's threat on Amber has been haunting me since Saturday. I feel so bad, she has to risk her life. She was dragged into this, she didn't step into it.

Also, Luke was on TV again today. It was another news channel. I immediately changed the channel. I usually wouldn't, but he started crying. I can't stand watching him cry. Especially since it was because of me.

They called me an 'Overnight, international, sensation'. Am I really a sensation? Like, I know my story spread quickly. And internationally, but am I a sensation? Do people really care about me that much?

Henry also attacks on Wednesday. I just know that in freaking out. Every time has been worse than the tine before. He's done it eighteen times.

It's been one month, two weeks, and six days since I've been kidnapped. It's been seven weeks and one day since I was kidnapped. It's been fifty days since I was kidnapped. 1,200 hours. 72,000 minutes. 4,320,000 seconds.

It's killing me!

I sigh as I dig through her Box Of Everything Good. I take out the pictures. It was pictures from a photo booth. She looked around thirteen. In the first picture, her arm was around Teresa's shoulders. Cassie was smiling, wearing sunglasses. Chase and Mark were in the back, being ridiculous stupid.

The second picture was more serious. I don't know how, but they're all smiling. All looking straight into the camera.

The third picture was cute. They all had their arms over their chest, trying to look tough.

The fourth was definitely my favorite. Emma was mid-laugh. Her eyes were scrunched shut, her mouth was smiling. She looked happy; like nothing was wrong.

I miss my friends. We were like this; happy, dysfunctional. We could turn anything into a party. Bad into good, good into better. Some of my favorite memories were with them.

December 31, 2014

"Calum, were are we going?" I impatiently ask as he leads us through the town.

"Be patient! We're almost there!" He says.

"You've been saying that for ten minutes!"

"I mean it this time."

"Bec, you got a little something in your shirt," Luke says, pointing at the top of my shirt.

"Where?" I look down, just as Luke flicks his finger up and hits me. "Ha ha, real funny." I roll my eyes.

"I thought it was." I look past Luke, squinting a little.

"What is that?" I ask. Luke spins around, looking at nothing. "Ha, made you look! That was funny."

"You've just made war, Becca," Luke says, then picks me up my the legs so I'm hanging upside over his shoulder.

"Luke! Put me down, I swear to you!"

"You're gonna do what?" I stay silent for a little, before smacking his butt that has been conveniently placed in front of me.

"Oh," Michael says, wiggling his eyebrows, "she's kinky."

I flip him off. "Shut up, baldie!"

"Bitch, that's taking it too far! Luke, keep her up there!"

"Calum, it's five minutes until midnight! Where are you taking us?" Jordan complains, and Calum ignores her.

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