Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Luke POV

It's been exactly two weeks since Becca has gone missing, it's June 18.

We have been looking for her like crazy. Hanging up signs, yelling out her name, calling people we know. By now, our entire town, Kiloville, knows about this. It's not a big town, only about a population of 5,000. Every graduating class has about 180 through 200 people in it. If something happens like this, everyone will know.

So far, no tips.

The police know about the same thing they knew when they first opened the case; nothing.

It's maddening.

Mr. Stine was still planning on writing a report about his daughter if nothing changes in the next two weeks. Now, Mr. Stine doesn't write for a local newspaper. That would be pointless, everyone already knows. Mr. Stine writes for a big company on the east coast. It only shows on TVs on the east coast, fourteen states total.

Him getting this story on the show could be seriously rewarding. Someone could know where she is, we could get the attention of bigger police forces. A lot could happen.

But, for now, all I'm doing is sitting in my bedroom in my state of tears and sorrow. Most of my time is spent on the streets, looking, searching, asking. Trying to get any information at all about my beautiful best friend.

It's very difficult. No one knows anything! Like, what the hell is this?

Anyway, as I said, I'm in my bedroom, sobbing. Just like every other time after spending a day searching for Becca with no information. Sometimes my mom pops her head in to check on me, or to tell me I need to take care myself.

Yes, take care of myself. For the past two weeks, I've barely been eating, sleeping, drinking. I've been searching and crying.

Everyone is getting really worried.

"Luke, honey, you need to eat something. Come on, I made you breakfast," Mom would urge. I would shake my head, and say I'm not hungry, even though my mom knows damn well I'm lying. Then she would sigh, and tell me to come downstairs if I get hungry. Then she'd leave. Then I wouldn't go downstairs until the next meal time, and the process would repeat.

This time, though, it's different.

Mom storms into my room. Jack and Ben - my brothers, who are married with kids, don't know why they're here - come into my room behind her and pull me up off my bed and on my feet.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" I ask. "What are you guys going here?" No one answers me, so I shut up. They take me and shove me into the family car. They climb in and the car starts moving. "This could qualify as kidnapping. I bet this is what happened to Becca. Did you take her? Is this some master plan of yours?"

"No, Luke, we didn't take her. I can't believe you would think that," Mom answers.

"Sorry," I mumble. We drive in silence, until they pull up at a hospital. "What are we doing here?" We walk into the hospital.

"We're getting you checked for depression," Ben says.

"What, no way. I'm not depressed. It's just an extended sadness."

"Luke, that is basically is depression," Mom rolls her eyes. Against my will, they manage to get into a room with a doctor named Dr. Puldmig. He told me to call him Jake.

"Luke, hi, how've you been feeling lately?" The doc asks me.

"To be honest, a bit down," I shrug.

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