Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Becca POV

"Alright, welcome home, Emma," Henry tells me as he pulls up to a huge house. We don't get out quite yet.

It's literally like a mansion. It's huge!

"There's three floors. Downstairs there's the living room, kitchen, dining room, and my office. Second level, there's your bedroom, my bedroom, the maid's bedroom, and Martin's, along with a playroom. The playroom has a TV with a DVD player, a few couches, a desk. It's just like your fun room. Marvin is my assistant, he does most of my chores for me. Top level there's three extra bedrooms, a cinema room, and a game room. Outside we have a pool and a hot tub. Got that all?"

"Yeah, I got it. What's the maid's name?" I ask, trying to cram that all into my head.

"Mrs. Moore, don't talk to her. Now get out," He orders and I obey. I walk to the back to get my - Emma's - luggage. As I start walking towards the door, it swings open.

"Mr. Tulip! It's lovely to see you again! Hi, Emma!" A man yells from the doorstep.

"Hello, Martin. Do me a favor, walk Emma to her room. She's quiet tired," Henry says and Martin takes my luggage.

"Alright, c'mon, Emma," I start following him through the twists and turns of the house. "Wasn't it lovely that your father wanted to take you on a business trip with him?"

"Yes, completely," I say. So that's what he told them.

"How was America?"

"Very cool."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Very much."

"Are you okay? You keep giving me short answers."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, Martin. I'm just so tired. The trip was exhausting."

"I would think so. Well, this is your room, so sleep tight," Martin says. He hugs me. "It's good to have you back." Then he leaves. I check to make sure he's gone, then I sprint into her room. I search for a diary. I open every drawer, check every box. After hours of unsuccessful searching, I sit in the corner, but I feel that I'm sitting on something. I get up on my hands and knees. I sit down on my feet and inspect the carpet. Part of it is disconnected from the wooden floor below it. Usually, I would just shrug and forget about it. In this case though, I stick my hand under the carpet. I find a piece of wood that has been moved up from its spot. I rip up the carpet some more so I can see it. It's not too far, and I get to that quickly. I see that the wood has been completely removed, and placed back. I pick up the wood and find an empty hole.

Disappointed, I start to put it back. But, I find a little nub on the wall. I slowly pull it, and following it is a drawer. In the drawer, there's pictures, and little slips of paper, a pen, and a book.

First, I look at the pictures. Some of the pictures are Emma with her friends, some of the are beautiful pictures of flowers, the sky. I'm not sure why they're in here. I inspect it some more, and I find a note on the side, taped to it. I turn my head, since I can't move my body due to the wall that's there. The nots says The Drawer of Everything Good. Why does she need this drawer? And why is in such a hard to get place?

I look at the little slips of paper next. One of them is a test she got a 95% on. One is a napkin someone drew a dog on. Most of them, though, are notes between her and her friends.

Next, the book. I'm anxious, yet really scared to find out everything. If her suicide had anything to do with her father, then it's my problem now.

I open up the diary and flip to the first page.

February 17, 2011.

Hi diary, my name is Emma Tulip. I am 12 years old, and I hate my father.

One week ago, my mother killed herself. My father always treated her horribly. I always heard her protesting, resisting, but he did it anyways. Day after day, I comfort my crying mother. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and she shot herself. She was too scared to divorce.

But now, I'm his victim. He's done it twice so far. I felt disgusted. I had to take three showers before feeling like I was honestly clean. It was horrible, the second worst.

That's why you will be here, Diary. Paper won't judge me. I'll always have you to write in.

I flip through multiple entries she wrote. The last one was written four days ago. I eagerly read it.

May 31, 2015

I can't take it anymore. For four years I've dealt with it! Four damn years! I've stayed silent, and just let him do it. But now, I can't take it anymore. I don't even want to be in his presence. I feel violated by him just looking at me. The worst part, he threatened me with my life. I can't tell anyone, or he'd shoot me. He also puts duck tape over my mouth so Martin can't hear my sobs. I walk around, wondering when the next time will be.

My friends treat me just as they always would, and I act as if I was fine. But secretly, I am broken. They don't know. They can't know.

He's my father, I'm supposed to trust him. I'm supposed to feel safe when he hugs me! Instead, I worry that the next occurrence will happen within a matter of moments.

I can't do it anymore. I can't. I'm not leaving a suicide note, but someone will find my body. And hopefully, someone finds this diary. They'll arrest my father, justice will be served. That's why I'm leaving the carpet partially up, and the wood off. Hopefully someone is smart enough to look. Martin knows I have a diary. Maybe it'll be him.

If you're reading this, please, do something about my father. I won't lie happy unless he's behind bars. He violated me, and my mother. He's a monster.

Thank you, Diary.

I made a promise then. To myself, to Emma, to my family and friends, that I'll get out of here.

Now, obviously, I can't just run out. I'm in Perth, I have no fucking clue how to get anywhere. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but I will.

I put the book back, then shut the drawer. I place the wood in correctly, and the carpet. I lay down in Emma's bed and stare at the TV that's above it. I start to think about what went on in her life. She never specifically said why she killed herself.

She used interesting words. 'Violated', 'next occurrence', 'duck tape over my mouth so Martin can't hear my sobs.' 'I felt disgusted', 'Protesting, resisting'. What did they all mean?

I widened my eyes as I realize the hard truth.

Henry sexually abused his wife, and Emma.

A/N: dun dun dun.

It's Friday. Thank God.

UPDATE! I see fire my Ed Sheeran is playing YASSS

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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