Chapter 12

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(Ok, I got done finishing this chapter, then I accidentally published it, but 4-11 wasn't, so I had to go back and publish those. so you get a super hella update, you're welcome.)

Chapter 12

Becca POV

It's July sixteenth. Which is terrible. It's Luke's eighteenth birthday, and I'm in Perth. He's officially an adult! He can vote. He can order shit online! This is a big deal.

Then again, here I am. In fucking Perth.

I'm being driven home from school. Martin didn't pick me up. Chase brought me to school, he's bringing me home. Mark, Cassie, and Teresa are all stuffed in the back. We're just going to my house to hang out.

"Emma, you're fucking lucky Chase has a crush on you, because it's too damn stuffed back here!" Mark yells. I giggle, pretending to be flattered.

Chase uses his left hand to hit Mark. "Shut up, you," Chase says. I turn around to look at them.

"I have room up here by my feet. Do you want me to take your backpacks?" I offer. I already have mine and Chase's, but I don't mind.

"Yes! You're a blessing, Em!" Cassie yells as they all hand me their bags. I take them one by one and place them by my feet. I lift my feet up to sit criss cross style.

"That was nice of you, Emma," Chase says.

"Yeah, well, I'm a nice person," I playfully flip my hair.

We get to Emma's house quickly. (I should probably start referring this house to mine, because I do live here, but not by choice.) I open the door to the cat and hand each person their backpack. Then I lead us into the house.

"Good afternoon, Emma! Emma's friends! How was school?" Martin asks. We all mumble a good before putting our backpacks in my room, then head to the room we usually hang in when we're at my house.

It's the game room on the third floor. I checked it out a few days ago, it has air hockey, ping pong, ski ball, Pacman. All kinds of fun games.

"Hey, turn on the TV," Teresa says. I turn it on and turn to the news channel I've been watching. "Seriously, Emma?"

"What? Dad says I should more of the news. Just to know what's happening. It makes sense," I defend myself, but really, I just want to see if my story will ever turn on.

"Whatever," Cassie says as her and Teresa start a game of pool. Chase and I start a game of air hockey. For the most part, I win, until I see a familiar face on the television. I walk towards it, my heart jumping just because of seeing his face.

"This is Luke Hemmings, best friend of Becca Stine. Luke, how do you feel about her disappearance?"

"I feel terrible," He starts. I smile at his voice, "I have so many questions, I'm worried sick about her."

My heart yearns to talk to him. Tell him I'm okay, I'm alive. I'm not in a good situation, but I'm not dead. I just don't want him worried. It's his birthday...

"Care to explain how her story has gotten so big almost over night?"

"Most of the credit goes to Taylor Swift and her father's news show. Her dad wrote a story about her kidnapping, then told it on two separate shows. Taylor Swift tweeted about it with a link to the show. Within twenty four hours, search teams are being made across the country. And, I have recently gotten news that the first international search team has been made in France," Luke says.

Does that mean I could be found quickly? Will I be found in Australia? Are search teams going to be made here? Please, I want to leave.

"One more question, Luke. We heard you were in love with Becca. Are you still in love with her now that she's missing?"

He sighs and puts his head in his hands, "I've never stopped loving her. I still love her. I'm not even sure if she's alive and I'm so in love."

Luke loves me? I love you, too, Luke. I just wish I could tell you...

"Em, are you okay?" Chase asks. I spin around.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry," I lie.

I'm far from okay, actually...

"You were staring at that TV weirdly."

"Yeah, I know. I just find that girl's story interesting."

"Yeah, me too. I can't believe no one say what happened. Besides her little sister, her name is Jewel, right?" Cassie asks.

"It's Jasmine," I quickly correct.

"Oh yeah. Jasmine. It's weird that there's no lead what's so ever on Becca's story. Isn't it?" I awkwardly agree.

I feel bad talking to these guys about myself as a different person. I feel like I'm catfishing them. I can't really do anything about it, though.

"Do you think she's still alive?" I ask.

"Either she's dead or being used as a perverts personal play doll," Mark says.

You can say it like that.

"I don't think she's alive. I think one good fuck was gotten out of her and she was disposed of. That's what happens most of the times," Cassie says.

"Or she's being kept alive for his personal amusement. Watching her suffer must just tickle his funny bone," Teresa says, hopping up on the pool table. "See, kidnapping is terrible. You put random people in a tough situation they probably didn't even deserve. You terrify them, humiliate them. Probably kill them. And on top of all that, you make poor kids like Luke and Jasmine worried sick! I heard Luke has been diagnosed with depression because of this! It's awful."

"Why don't you start a search party?" Mark suggests.

"Nah, her kidnapper wouldn't bother taking her all the way to Perth. She's not too far from home, and besides, she's probably dead. Me spending my time on a lost case is a waste."

"Yeah, honestly, we would never find her. She's probably dead," Chase says.

Well, I think I know where she is. But it's a secret.

I don't say anything. I just keep my mouth and let the group converse between themselves. They don't notice, though. They just keep talking.

"Hey, Em, seriously you're acting weird. You okay?" Teresa asks.

"Yeah, I'm just worried for that poor girl."

And it's true, I'm worried. For myself, my safety, my friends, family. I'm just worried.

A/N: I feel terrible doing this to Bec.

UPDATE! It's Friday. 🙌🏻

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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