Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Luke POV

On August third, at 1:54, we walk into the morgue. Once the clock hits two, we go into the room where the suspected body is.

"Okay, guys, I know this may be hard on you, but you need to focus and give me your honest answers. Is that a deal?" The doctor asks the large pack of people standing in front of him. Everyone nods yes, and the doctor takes the white sheet off the body's face. A lot of us gasp, but I'm the first one to say anything.

"It's not her," I say. Everyone's head turn towards me.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Stine asks.

"I've never more sure," I honestly answer.

"How are you so sure?" Jordan asks.

"Look at the cheeks bones. They're less defined than Becca's. The nose is longer, and this girl has bigger feet," I explain.

"Is that all?" Savvy asks.

"No, of course not," I say. "Doctor, how tall is this body?"

"Uh, let me look at my notes," The doctor says, pulling out a clipboard. "She's five foot seven."

"Becca is five foot five," I tell them. "This girl also a ring on her right hand's pointer finger. It's not the initial ring she always wears, and she never a wears it on that finger. Doctor, what clothes was this girl wearing when she was found?"

The doctor pulls out shorts that are hella super short and a shirt that looks tight.

"Hell no. Becca would never wear that," I say.

"Luke is right. Becca wouldn't wear that. And all the other things. This isn't her," Savannah says.

"Thank you," I say.

"What if her kidnapper put her in this, raped her, then tossed her out?" Jasmine questions.

"What if he did? That doesn't change the height, bone structure, or foot size of this girl compared to Becca," I argue.

"She has been decomposing for a few days."

"Yeah, but when you decompose you break down, not get bigger," Michael adds.

"Jas, there is no way Becca and this girl are the same people," Mr. Stine says.

"I know, I just want answers," Jasmine says, shrugging.

"And we'll get them, just not now," I tell her. I put my hands on her shoulders. I start to slowly rub them. "She's fine, Jas, I promise."

"So, that's a no? The body isn't Becca's?" The doctor questions.

"Correct. The body isn't Becca's," I tell him.

"Alright. But, we're still doing a DNA test. Mr. and Mrs. Stine, Jasmine, please follow me. The rest of you can go home," Doctor tells us. We shuffle out of the door, walking out of the door. We climb get whatever vehicles we came in and all drive to my house. We agreed to wait there.


As usual, there is a small group of news reporters and camera men waiting outside my house. And just as we are all taught, we duck down our heads and keep walking. They, of course, were yelling at us, asking us questions about Becca. Today, the questions revolved around the body that was found. None of us answered; we just skillfully avoided them and got inside.

"God, Luke, are those people always out there?" Calum asks.

"Yes, all the time," I answer. We make ourselves comfortable in my living room, sprawling over the couches.

"They were outside my house when we came home from the California trip because of my speech, but they left the next day," Michael tells us.

"Why won't they leave Luke?" Brooke asks.

"Because he's in love with Becca," Savannah answers.

"Well, yeah, he said he was, but it hasn't been mentioned since has it?" Jordan asks.

"It just different when you love someone. It's harder on him than it is on us. So, they try to pry information out of him," Savvy explains.

"Oh." It was silent for a few seconds before Ashton speaks.

"It's so weird hearing that Luke loves Becca," He says.

"Why? He's loved her for a while now. How long, Luke?" Calum asks.

"About a year," I answer. "But I've never said it out loud to anyone besides you guys. I rarely said it, too, so I can see where he's coming from."

"When should they be back, Luke?" Savannah asks.

"Two hours? Maybe. I'm not sure. I've never combined DNA then compared it to the DNA of a dead body before. I'm not sure. Everyone will know when they call, I promise," I answer.


Apparently, I'm an amazing guesser. Almost exactly two hours later, my phone lights up. I check it and the screen says there's a call from Mrs. Stine. I quickly go to answer it.

"What was it, what's the result?" I ask, cutting right to the point. Even though I seemed so sure in the morgue of the result, there's still a voice in the very back of my head. It's convinced me that, maybe, there's a slight chance that the body and Becca are the same person. Only a very small chance, though.

"Luke, calm down. I know you're anxious, but just breathe," Mrs. Stine tells me. She's so nice.

My friends realize what conversation I'm having and start to form a circle around me to wait for the answer.

I follow Mrs. Stine's demands and take a second to take a deep breath and calm my nerves. "You better now?"

"Yes," I answer.

"Good. You were right, Luke. The DNA test came back negative," as she says this, my heart drops, "My DNA and my husband's DNA isn't anywhere close to the body's. This is a lose-lose situation for everyone; us because we don't have answers and the police and doctors because now they need to figure what happened to the girl who the body belonged to. I'm sorry, Luke," She says.

"You're sorry? It's your daughter," I say. I can tell the group has caught on by the looks on their faces when I say that.

"I know, but you're in love with her."

"Well, I'm sorry for you, too."

"Thank you, Luke. Now get some rest."

"Yes, ma'am. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Luke." I hang up, and stare at my friends, not wanting to be the one to break the news.

"It's not her, is it?" Brooke asks.

"No, it's not," I say.

"Damn," Savvy whispers.

"Well think about it. I know we wanted answers, but at least she may still be alive," Michael says. "We'll find her."

"You're right, Mikey. You're right. We can't loose hope. She's out there," I tell them.

"Yeah, I guess," Ashton says. We don't say another word, we just sit in our thoughts.

A/N: ok, why is no one reading this? Ughhh.

UPDATE! I don't know what to stay here.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

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