Chapter 1: Lounging Around

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“MARY! Would you get off your ass and help us!” Celeste yells.

I move some of my boxes to the lounge area and set them down. I look over to Mary in her box fort and giggle. She peeks her head out from the top and then ducks back down behind the boxes

“I’m sorry? Were you talking to me? Because your authority is not recognised in fort ass kick!” Mary comments.

Celeste rolls her eyes and dumps her boxes on the ground. Not too long ago, we finally managed to finish the interior of the base, after a month of working on it. I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy. We definitely wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren’t for our powers. Celeste managed to drill underground for us and it was Eilidh who created most of the stuff. Thankfully, all we need to do now is put stuff into it. Cecilia sits on the floor with a furniture catalogue and flips through it, looking for furniture for the HQ.

“Hey Eilidh, think you can make a couch like this?” Cecilia asks.

She shows Eilidh the couch in the book and Eilidh looks at it. It’s a black leather couch, big enough to fit...three people, I’d say. Eilidh smiles and nods her head. She creates a massive cube and then creates the couch on the page. Bryony looks at it impressed as Eilidh moves it into place. I look over to Eilidh and smirk.

“I feel like this is kind of cheating.” I comment.

Celeste snorts and Eilidh shrugs.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it. If Eilidh makes all the stuff for us. That means we don’t have to spend any money!” Mary exclaims.

Celeste looks back towards the fort of boxes and zaps them with a laser. The boxes fly everywhere and Mary screams. She dives to the ground and Celeste laughs. Everyone’s been coming to grips with their new powers and have been learning all sorts of things with them. Turns out, Celeste can shoot lasers from her hands. Mary quickly stands up and flips Celeste off while Celeste sticks her tongue out at her. Bryony rolls her eyes at the two of them while Eilidh giggles.

“Alright! I’ll help.” Mary grumbles.

She grabs a big box and takes it off to a different room. We all laugh and look around the room. We're planning on making this room a lounge room, you know. A room to relax in. And that’s not all! We’ve got a room for a kitchen, bedroom, storage, fighting room, the lot! Sure it was a lot of hard work but it was more than worth it. Cecilia stands up and we hear a loud crash from another room.

“Aw fuck! I can’t believe I done this!” Mary yells.

Bryony snorts loudly and Cecilia runs off to help Mary. The four of us laugh loudly and continue to unpack our stuff.

“You guys better not have told anyone about this sick ass HQ!” Celeste perks up.

Eilidh smiles.

“Of course not!” Eilidh answers.

I open up a box and look at it surprised. I completely forgot I packed this. I pull out an old photo of the six of us. It was taken not long after we met Cecilia. We went to the movies together and then went to Burger King after. We were out of our minds and Mary suggested we take a photo to remember the first time we were all out together.

Bryony had to take it since she has long arms. We’re all so happy, like little kids. Mary is making a weird face, Eilidh smiles brightly while Celeste has a smug look on her face, Bryony is posing a little while I have an arm wrapped around Cecilia and doing a peace sign. I laugh a little and show everyone else the photo. Bryony looks at it surprised and Eilidh squeals.

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