Chapter 7: Hey Now, Your're an All Star

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I walk back to my house and open the door. I look around and don’t see anyone in the living room. After all the Smash Brothers stuff, we all went home for the day. And now, I have to explain this whole thing to my mum. I walk further into the house, looking for my mum.

“Mum? Where are you?”

I walk out into the conservatory and look around. “Mum?”

I look at the garden door and see it’s open. I walk over to it and look outside. I see my mum sitting outside, Eve running around wild in the garden. I smile slightly and lean against the door frame. Eve notices me and jumps around happily. She runs over to me and jumps up to me. I pick her up and hold her, petting her head. I walk over to my mum and she looks at me.

“Hi mum.”

I sit down next to her and stroke Eve’s head. “How was school?” She asks me.

“It was fine.” I answer.

I lean against the bench and sigh a little.

“Well, maybe something did happen, say, a day ago.”

My mum looks at me. “What?” She asks.

I smirk slightly and start to explain to her what happened in my Maths class. She looks at me confused for a moment before smiling.

“Why am I not surprised? After all the stuff you’ve told me. I don’t think you could shock me in the slightest.” She jokes.

I laugh a little and she laughs with me. I look up at the sky and smile.

“So...I may have some news of my own.” My mum starts.

I turn and look at her. “What is it?”

My mum takes a deep breath and looks at me..“I was...talking to your father today and-”

“No. If what you're going to ask me is if he gets to come back, the answer is no.” I interrupt.

My mum shakes her head. “Oh no, I’m not letting him back into this house in a million years. I was just wanting to tell you that the divorce is nearly final. I’m sure you’ll be more than happy to know.” She continues.

I smile widely. “That is great news, I assume he’ll be giving you money for us and all that stuff?” I ask.

My mum nods her head. “Yeah. He will be... although, you seem a little too happy about your dad having to live on his own. You have to remember Charlie, he’s still your father.”

I look at her and laugh, hard. “No he’s not! What kind of father abuses his children? Strangles his daughter’s neck just because he was ‘trying something new’? What father pins his son against the wall and tells him to behave? What kind of father does nothing but verbally abuse his wife and constantly accuse her of being a gold digger and cheating?” I ask.

Rage flows through my veins as I speak. The more I think about him. The more I hate him. My mum sighs.

“I know you don’t like him, Charlie, but he has done a lot of stuff for you in the past, just remember that.” She tells me.

I stand up quickly and sigh. “I know...I know…” I mumble.

I walk out of the garden and back into the house. I run my hand through my hair and sigh loudly. I fling myself onto the couch and turn on the T.V.

“I need my daily dose of ‘Friends.’ Stat.”

I start watching the T.V and start to relax again. I really need to put the past behind me...but it’s just so difficult. Trying to forget the pain, hurt and anger that I felt. A part of my wishes that he was just dead. That would make things so much easier instead of having this pent up rage in my body towards him, not being able to release it in any way.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Universes Collide! (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now