Chapter 9: Giga Brawl

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Charlie’s P.O.V

I rush off to go find Mario and Sonic, nearly forgetting that I left them stuck in a pipe. I quickly turn the corner and race down the hall. I burst through the doors and look around, making sure I’m in the right room. I see the pipe and breathe a sigh of relief. I walk over to it and remove the cork from it. I look down at Mario and Sonic and smirk.

“Need some help?” I ask.

I create a ladder and throw it down the side of the pipe. Mario climbs up it first with Sonic behind him. Mario hops out the pipe and Sonic jumps out. I make the ladder and cork vanish as Sonic narrows his eyes at me.

“Why’d you have to go and do that?” He asks.

I laugh a little. “Because it was funny.” I deadpan.

Sonic rolls his eyes while Mario snorts.

“It was kind of funny. Just don’t leave me there with him next time.” Mario tells me.

I nod my head, keeping a small smirk on my face. “That’s fair.” I answer.

Sonic growls beneath his breath at our comments about him. “So, who won the game anyway?” Mario asks.

I sigh a little. “Mary and Celeste. Don’t ask me how they did it.” I reply.

Sonic looks at me surprised. “Seriously? Those two won? How?” Sonic exclaims loudly.

I shrug. “Like I said. I have no clue.”

The three of us walk off to go find everyone else and leave the room. I start to tell the two of them how we found everyone else, and what happened.

“So...Tails nearly drowned himself for a game of hide and seek?” Sonic checks.

I nod my head. “Yeah. Celeste shot the snorkel off his face and he stayed underwater since all of us came running in.” I reaffirm.

“That’s slightly concerning.” Sonic adds.

I rub the back of my head and smile sheepishly. “Yeah...just a tad.”

“I’m just surprised you didn’t catch Mary when she literally hid in a potted plant. How do you miss that?” Mario asks.

I hold my hands in defense. “She was in camouflage ok! How was I supposed to know that would work in her favour?” I retaliate.

Mario laughs a little. “I guess.”

“Yeah, Mary’s never been very bright has she? She’s a big idiot. Celeste kinda is as well, am I right?” Sonic asks.

I stop walking for a second and look at Sonic sternly. “That’s a little harsh. Don’t you think?” I respond.

Sonic stops and looks at me. “Oh. Well. It wasn't that harsh, was it? I mean, all I’m saying is the truth. There’s idiots! I don’t mean that in a bad way, you know that. You guys are always at each others throats. What's the problem now?” Sonic continues.

I look at him with an eyebrow raised. Sure, me and my friends get on at each other sometimes, but we don’t mean it. The way Sonic is speaking and the tone he’s using, it’s a serious tone. Not a joking one. I sigh loudly and continue walking, not bothering to answer his comment.

“Come on, we gotta find everyone else.” I say strictly.

I start to speed walk up ahead and hear Sonic and Mario follow me.

“Hey! No need to get so bent out of shape about it! It’s not like I was making comments about your girlfriend, or whatever you want to call her.” Sonic tells me.

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