Chapter 5: First Fight

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We all walk into school the next day, buzzing with excitement. I barely managed to get much sleep last night because of it. After school, we’re going to Smash Brothers! That’s insane! People rush over to me and Cecilia, asking about what happened at maths. It is pretty weird telling them it’s because I was invited to Smash Bros, but considering how life’s been, it’s not too random. I try my best to stay focused on the classwork, but it’s hard! I can hardly sit still because of how happy I am! Break finally arrives and I meet up with my friends.

“Ok seriously, have any of you guys been able to focus today?” Celeste asks.

Eilidh shakes her head.

“Nope.” She answers.

Mary laughs.

“All I can think about is how awesome this is gonna be!” She comments.

We all laugh as Emma and Cas walk over. Emma smiles and sits down next to me. Cad is another friend of ours. He has short black hair that goes just before his shoulders and black glasses. He has strong brown eyes as well.

“So I heard a giant hand came into your math class and gave you an invitation to some big event.” Emma grins.

I smirk back at her and nod my head.

“Pretty much.” I answer.

Cas looks at me.

“Are you really going to get to meet the Phantom thieves?” He asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

“I don’t know, there are over 70 fighters so who knows, but hopefully I get to at least see them.” I reply.

Everyone laughs whole heartedly.

“Ok, but really, how are you guys feeling about it? It must be a little nerve racking.” Emma asks.

“Well...I am a little nervous about it, but those nerves are being pushed down by my excitement. I don’t think we should have any problems.” Cecilia answers.

Mary nods her head.

“Yeah, I am wondering what it’s gonna be like too. I mean, we are probably gonna encounter some people we don’t like, like Sonic.” Mary adds.

Bryony bursts into laughter and I roll my eyes.

“Oh come on, he’s not that bad. It’s not like he’s gonna go insane and try to kill any of us!” I joke.

Mary shrugs as Eilidh perks up.

“I’m just excited to see all of our other friends again, it feels like forever since we last saw them.”

Bryony grins and Celeste wiggles her eyebrows.

“Don’t tell me you haven't been meeting up with Ender, because I know you have been.” Celeste grins.

Eilidh pushes Celeste over and Emma snorts.

“Just as long as we all stay on our best behaviour, we should be ok. That goes for you especially, Mary.”  Bryony states.

Mary rolls her eyes and Cas smirks at it.

“So, how have you guys been getting on with your rehearsals for the musical?” Cas asks.

We start to talk about different stuff and slowly start to divert away from stuff about Smash Brothers. We all laugh loudly but then, abruptly, we hear someone screaming behind us. We all share a quick glance before turning around to see what’s going on. A small crowd has formed behind us and more and more people are starting to join it. I stand up and everyone else follows me. We walk over to the crowd and see two people fighting in the middle.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Universes Collide! (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now